Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Healthcare in the United States Essay

Health care around the world is very different. The United States is a pluralistic, privately owned system. They are technology driven, and an insurance based type of health care. They have issues with the cost rising versus the people receiving benefits. Germany, Canada, and Great Britain all use a universal type of health care where they believe all citizens should have moderate access to treatments. Germany uses Socialized Health Insurance. Canada uses National Health Insurance that is divided among its provinces and territories. Finally, Great Britain uses Socialized Health Insurance. Key Words: Health care, United States, Germany, Great Britain, Canada. The United States of America is based upon principles set forth by our founding fathers. â€Å"We the people by the people† is one of the principles that we still live by today. This is a value that we implement in all sects of government, including health care. The United States has a health care system that is mostly pri vately owned. The government usually steps in when needed. Such cases involve money for vulnerable populations, fundraising, and training individuals in the healthcare field. There are many characteristics of our healthcare system that are vastly different than other countries such as: Germany, Canada, and Great Britain. While the United States’ healthcare is mostly managed by private sectors, their healthcare is predominantly run and financed by the government. Growth in science has led for an essential need for new technology. Hospitals are constantly competing and advertising new technology. Why compete for new technology? Many healthcare providers and holders of heath care plans feel that there are great legal risks involved when new technology has not been implemented. Other stakeholders that desire modern technology are the patients and the physicians. Patients now desire to use new technology because they assume that it has greater benefits than the old method. Physicians also want to tinker with the new tools that modern day society has developed. In the United States, access to health care is based on insurance coverage. You may receive the service through four major avenues. Firstly, the public may join a government healthcare program such as Medicare or Medicaid to receive benefits. Secondly, employers can provide insurance to their employees. Thirdly, an individual with the means to afford healthcare may purchase insurance on their own. Finally, people may  pay for services individually. However, there are some Americans who have chosen not to have insurance. â€Å"In 2006, forty-seven million people (58.8% of the population) were uninsured, meaning they were not covered by any program, public or private† ( When someone is uninsured they have a few options. One option is to pay out of pocket for the individual services that they require. The second option is to access Federal Fund Centers, and the third option is to pursue treatment for their acute illness. When a citizen seeks treatment, hospitals are required to give them care due to the implement of The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act of 1986. This law states that a few tasks must be completed regardless of the patient’s ability to pay the hospital. The patient must first be admitted to the hospital and then given a physical scan. Following the scan the individual should be given the appropriate care in order to stabilize them. Furthermore, a major characteristic of health care in the United States is the exorbitant amount of money it costs to receive health care. As a nation, we spend more than any other country in the world on providing health care to our citizens. Although we are spending a large amount of the countries deficit, we are seeing little progress in providing access to the masses. Healthcare is one of the largest contributing factors to the United States’ GDP with a cost of over 2.7 trillion dollars (Sultz, 1997, p.1). With such cost, innovations and expansions are inevitable. The new technology has undoubtedly helped advance the longevity of people’s lives, but it has also raised the cost of being able to access the treatments. People with better insurance or a greater need for the service may get an unfair advantage in receiving these services. This advantage causes a moral dilemma for the physician and the Health Care Administration (HCA) staff. Physicians and staff need to make sure that the old method is no longer as great as the new technology. This will keep costs down and allow for a greater amount of peopl e to receive the treatment that they need. The United States is based on a health care system where individuals must purchase their own insurance while still paying taxes to fund other government programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. As with any health care system, issues may arise. A key issue deals with employers and employees. In many cases, employers provide a healthcare program to their workers. What if the employee is a part-time worker? In such instances, many employers do not  offer such benefits for individuals who are not on the clock full-time. As we all know, health care in the United States is the most expensive care in the world. The issues with this expense are many. While costs are already high, they are only going to continue to sky-rocket. Another issue with cost is that while Americans are spending an outrageous amount of money, they are not reaping the benefits. Millions of Americans are still unable to receive the proper health care because they are unable to afford insurance. Unlike the United States, most European countries have national health care. The United States and European countries differ substantially in the way they conduct medical care for their citizens. These health care programs provide care for all citizens, known as â₠¬Å"universal health care.† Universal healthcare is a blanket term meaning there are different sub-divisions that stem from this type of care. Germany, Canada and, Great Britain all have different types of universal healthcare. Germany is a socialized health care country. Socialized health care means that funds are contributed by employers and employees because of government mandates. The Germanic government is in overall control of all procedures. However, there are still private delivery programs that help with carrying out the health care processes in Germany. â€Å"All Germans with incomes under â‚ ¬46,300 are required to enroll in one of the sickness funds† ( Higher income citizens may opt for private care or join a federal sickness fund. The federal government decides what benefits to add to this package. Sickness funds are provided through a pay roll tax which is taken from the employer and the employee. Less than ten percent of the population decides to use private in surance. Insurance and payments using the federal sickness fund are closely related in the socialized healthcare system. Many believe that carrying out procedures in this manner provides a more orderly healthcare in comparison to the United States. Canada uses a different form of healthcare known as the National Health Insurance System or commonly referred to as Medicare. This form of insurance â€Å"was initially established in the Medical Care Act of 1966 providing fifty-fifty cost sharing† ( General taxes collected by the government are what finances the healthcare system but private providers deliver the care. The government decides how the insurance plans ultimately work. Canada has ten provinces and three territories that carry out the functions of the  healthcare while the government oversees their actions. All Canadian citizens and permanent residents are eligible for health insurance in Canada. Unlike America, Canada’s system is built to facilitate people’s need for health care rather than their ability to pay for services. Medicare is intended to assist all Canadian residents so that they have reasonable access to hospitals and physicians. Canada has a multi-part insurance plan for the provinces and territories. Each has similar features and standards that come together to form Canada’s health care plan. When a resident arrives at the health care facility they simply show their health care card. Most services are covered by taxes paid to the government. However, in some cases you will need private health care because policies are slightly different when traveling from a province to a territory. Finally, Great Britain’s health care is provided through the National Healthcare Service. Like Canada, their system of health care is designed to help all the citizens receive health care. Great Britain’s system is publically funded through general taxes of the people. For a single-payer health care system, the cost of providing care is relatively low. However, there are limited options in choosing your provider as well as a long waiting list to see them. â€Å"There are 750,000 Britons on the waiting lists for hospital admission; 40% of cancer patients are never able to see an oncologist; there is explicit rationing for services such as kidney dialysis, open heart surgery and care for the terminally ill†( This is why a very small percent of the citizens choose t pay for private health care which is almost the same as generic health care but with better care and quicker waiting times. This health care is almost the same as the generic insurance Great Britain provides but it has shorter waiting times and better quality care. Another feature of this system is that there are no deductibles and almost no co-pay. In summary, the United States has a very different system of health care than Germany, Canada, and Great Britain. The United States is private, whereas the other countries are mostly publicly run by the government. Every system of health care has its pitfalls. Today, politicians and the public are trying to find a way to maximize the efficiency of cost, access and quality. References: ltz, H., & Young, K. (1997). Health care USA: Understanding its organization and delivery (8th ed., p. 1). Gaithersburg, Md.: Aspen.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Importance of patient confidentiality Essay

Health care professionals have a duty to maintain confidentiality for their patients. Health professionals may not disclose any patient information revealed by a patient or discovered by a physician in connection with the treatment of a patient. Patients put all of their trust into healthcare professionals and it is their job to protect patients’ private information. Consequences will be made if patient confidentiality is disclosed. The security of patient information is crucial because there are many risk factors that could occur. The disclosing of patient information can put patients at risk. Many problems could occur if patient information isn’t kept confidential. Someone could get their social security number, steal their identity or even find out their address. Other healthcare providers gossiping about a patients’ information such as an STD, could get around to others that the patient may know personally and that can mentally, emotionally and physically affect a patient. In general, AMA’s Code of Medical Ethics states that the information disclosed to a physician during the course of the patient-physician relationship is confidential to the utmost degree. (â€Å"American Medical Association,† 2013, Para. 1) If patient confidentiality is revealed than there are consequences that will follow. Health care professionals could be terminated for a certain period of time or completely fired from the job depending on the situation. Health care providers or even the facility could be sued. Also health care providers could lose patients’ trust because they could hear by word of mouth that patient information is not secure, and they are not a trustworthy facility. Illegal actions could potentially mean jail time or court depending on the situation. Maintaining patient confidentiality is a legal duty as well as an ethical duty. (â€Å"American Medical Association,† 2013, Para. 2) The purpose of health care provider’s is to make the patient feel free to disclose any and all of their  history so the physician can treat the patient appropriately. â€Å"If patients are not confident that there interactions will be held in confidence, they may be inhibited from telling their doctors about important things. (Alta, Anderson, Steele, 2000, para.3) There are times when private information has to be disclosed to outside parties with the patients’ consent such as insurance companies, parent/guardian, health departments or the court may have to subpoena patient’s medical records if patients’ do not want to comply to let others view them. This is called a breach of confidentiality. This means patient records can be disclosed to a third party, without patient consent or court order, of private information that the physician has learned within the patient-physician relationship. Patient record have to be reviewed by other parties to get their insurance companies to pay for their care and other doctors or facilities may have to view their history because sometimes patients have to be referred to other doctors. The general rule regarding release of a patient’s medical record is that information contained in a patient’s medical record may be released to third parties only if the patient has consented to such disclosure. (â€Å"American Medical Association,† 2013, Para. 6) Congress passed the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) in which offers protection for personal health information. It places limits on how confidential health information can be shared with others. The HIPPA rules and regulations give patients better security over their information. Health care providers have to abide by a series of privacy standards and if they do not, they will have penalties to abide by for not following those standards. Within the HIPPA guidelines, patients have the right to request a copy of their records. It puts safeguards in place for confidential health information collected, maintained, used, or transmitted in electronic form. Patient confidentiality can be avoided if healthcare providers remain professional at all times and follow all rules, laws and regulations. Facilities need to have meetings on a weekly basis so they can all remain updated on all rules and issues that need to be addressed. Communication is what all health care providers need to provoke because it helps keep  everyone on the same page and if there are any issues health professional should be able to communicate well with other individuals to address a situation in a professional manner. Overall maintaining patient confidentiality is the main duty to provide the best care for patients because making patients feel at ease with their health care providers gives them the trust they need to know they will be well taken care of. If this bond of trust is broken, patients may be hesitant to seek care or may not share important information needed to provide the best care. The HIPPA laws have strengthened patient confidentiality. Keeping patient information confidential is more than just the right thing to do, it is the law. References In text Citation: (Alta, Anderson, Steele, 2000, para.3) (â€Å"American Medical Association,† 2013, Para. 1) (â€Å"American Medical Association,† 2013, Para. 2) (â€Å"American Medical Association,† 2013, Para. 6) Alta, V. Anderson, JD. Steele, D. (September 26, 2000) Confidentiality and Privacy Outline. Webmedia Retrieved May 27, 2013 from

Truman Doctrine

Truman Doctrine Ryan Hauppa A. Plan of Investigation The following questions will be investigated: What were the events and decisions that led to the development of the Truman Doctrine? What was its effect on US Foreign Policy and its impact on Greece, Turkey and Europe? Research will be conducted concerning the Post World War II Treaties as Potsdam, Soviet Union aggression, and the Greek and Turkey Crisis. These events prompted the development of the Truman Doctrine – the US foreign policy to contain the spread of Communism. Truman’s 1947 Address that introduced the doctrine to the world, his own personal thoughts, and the support and criticism of the policy will be examined. The doctrine will be analyzed as to how it shaped future American policies and programs as the Marshall Plan and led to the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War over forty years later. (Word Count -143) B. Summary of Evidence World War II devastated Europe. Millions of people died. Many of those remaining were starving and in need of food and shelter since the farms and cities of many countries were destroyed. Billions of dollars were spent. Countries were nearly bankrupt. Europe was in economic, social, and political devastation. After the surrender of Germany in 1945, the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union met first at Yalta and later at Potsdam in Germany. They met to resolve war reparations and boundaries of Germany. As part of the agreements, Germany was divided into East and West. The Eastern portion was controlled by the Soviet Union and the West by the United States, United Kingdom, and France. Berlin, the capital, which is inside Eastern Germany, was also divided by the four countries. Pemberton 50) In 1945 and 1946, Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union, had been taking over new countries including Poland, Hungary, Romania, and Czechoslovakia by establishing governments favorable to him. (CNN Cold War Appendix Maps) The Soviet Union focused next on Greece and Turkey. In February of 1947, Great Britain informed the United States in a â€Å"State Department Telegr am† that that they could no longer provide financial aid to the governments of Greece and Turkey since they did not have the money and resources. Both governments were being threatened by Communist insurgents. (Truman Library Telegram 1) Truman pledged that â€Å"it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or outside pressures† in a â€Å"Address of the President of the United States† in March of 1947. (Truman Address 1) The economic aid program was costly amounting to total of more than $400 million for the two countries to aid the pro-democracy governments and oppose the Communists. The policy was later called the Truman Doctrine. Congress was divided over the program. Democrats wanted to give diplomacy and the newly formed United Nations a chance while Republicans were isolationist and concerned that the program was too costly. Despite a divided Congress, the program was adopted since both eventually were more concerned over the spread of Communism in the region. The Cold War confrontation had begun. The United States and its principles of freedom, capitalism, and democracy were fighting philosophically and economically against Communism and the Soviet Union. Donovan 286) Truman and George Marshall, his Secretary of State, then prepared for even greater aid for the rest of Europe. Their objective was to rebuild Western Europe and prevent a Communism take over of the remaining free nations. The policy was called the Marshall Plan, the European Economic Recovery Program. Over $13 billion in aid was provided in 1947. (Truman Memoirs 111) The Cold War was expanded. Stalin tried to disrupt the United States and it s allies in 1948 and 1949 by shutting down access to Berlin. Truman responded by airlifting supplies into the city until access as again. (Pemberton 102) Afterward, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was formed in 1949 to defend Western Europe militarily against a Soviet invasion as response by the United States in the Cold War. The Soviet Union in turn allied the Eastern European nations under the Warsaw Pact. (Pemberton 104) The Berlin Wall, the symbol of the Cold War, was built in 1961 and later torn down in 1989 after many years of conflict. The Soviet Union ultimately collapsed in 1991. (Word Count – 567) C. Evaluation of Sources The most important source in investigating the topic of the Truman Doctrine is President Truman’s Memoirs. The actual 1947 â€Å"Presidential Address Recommending for Assistance to Greece and Turkey† and critical government documents as the â€Å"State Department Telegrams for Greece, Turkey and the USSR are included. Truman gives his own personal viewpoints of what happened while he was President. The researcher can obtain a clear view from the president himself. From his writings, you can tell that Truman was a hard working, â€Å"tell it like it is† man. When he made a decision, he stuck with it and moved on. The decision to proceed with the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan was difficult and not very popular, but Truman did it because he thought it was the right thing to do. The limitation of the source is that it was written by Truman and may make him look too favorable. The other source most used was the book written by Robert Donovan, The Presidency of Harry Truman 1945-1958 Conflict & Crisis. Mr. Donovan was a journalist at the White House during the Truman presidency. He provided critical firsthand insights into the actual events through his notes and research from the actual participants. His research into the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan was more thorough and comprehensive than most of the other sources used that were cited in the research paper. Mr. Donovan provides an excellent historical perspective of the pros and cons of Truman’s and his staff’s decisions. The limitation of the source is that the book was written in 1977 so it does not include the perspective after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Soviet Union and Communism in Europe. Word Count – 285) D. Analysis Truman in his Memoirs describes his 1947 Address as follows: â€Å"This was, I believe, the turning point in America’s foreign policy, which now declared that wherever aggression, direct or indirect, threatened by peace, the security of the United States was involved†¦After I delivered the speech the world reaction proved that t his approach had been the right one†. Truman went on further to describe in other addresses â€Å"the alternate ways of life†¦ One way is based on the will of the majority, and is distinguished by free institutions, representative government, free elections, guarantees of individual liberty, freedom of speech and religion and freedom from political oppression†¦The second way of life is based upon the will of the minority forcibly imposed upon the majority. It relies upon terror and oppression, a controlled press and radio, fixed elections and the suppression of personal freedoms†. (106) Truman believes that the United States and its democratic way of life is better then the Soviet Union and its evil oppressive way of life. He wanted to make sure that the world understood his commitment by his strong language. The Communists should not quickly take over free countries and threaten the United States and its allies. His own divided Congress should beware of the past policies of isolationism and the hope that diplomacy and the United Nations could solve the crisis. The Soviet Union already had taken over the Eastern European countries in violation of the Yalta and Potsdam agreements. The Greece and Turkey crisis was critical to victory in the Cold War. If either Greece or Turkey fell to the Soviet Union, the other would follow. More nations would tumble â€Å"as a row of falling dominoes† extending Soviet domination to Europe, the Middle East oil fields, and Africa. (Hamby 391) (CNN Cold War Appendix Maps) Communism could have spread very quickly worldwide, but it did not. The Truman Doctrine is the epitome of the containment of Communism. (Donovan 284) Greece, Turkey, Europe, and even Russia, the former Soviet Union, are currently free and democratic nations. Europe was in economic, political, and social devastation after World War II. Winston Churchill once declared, â€Å"What is Europe now? It is a rubble-heap, a charnel house, a breeding ground of pestilence and hate. † It was the perfect time for the Soviet Union to support Communism. (Goldman 66) At over $13 billion, it was aid on a much greater scale. The Truman Doctrine prompted the Marshall Plan. Truman in his Memoirs claimed that the plan was developed to do the following: (1) Counter increasing pressure of Communist imperialism, and (2) Rebuild Europe. By rebuilding Europe, America would help to establish that healthy economic balance which is essential to the peace of the world. 111) Rebuilding Europe was not only a national security issue but also a national economic issue. At the end of World War II, the United States was a major exporter. (Donovan 287) Without a strong Europe, the United States would likely have had a poor economy for many years because of lack of trade with Europe. Instead, the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan led to over fifty years of prosperity for Europe and the United States and the end of the Cold War. (Word Count – 534) E. Conclusion With the Truman Doctrine, the United States entered a new era of foreign policy. Great Britain, France, and Germany were no longer the colonial powers. The United States was the most powerful free nation in the world. The balance of power changed. Over the next forty years, the United States and the Soviet Union fought a Cold War for a way of life. The United States spent trillions of dollars, but the spread of Communism in Europe was contained. The result would have never have occurred had it not been for Truman’s bold move in Greece and Turkey. The cost was great, but the cost would have been greater if United States lost. Europe could have turned Communist. Instead, the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union collapsed. Russia has enacted democratic reforms and a capitalist economy, which is ultimate proof of the success of the Truman Doctrine. (Word Count – 148) F. List of Sources Donovan, Robert, The Presidency of Harry Truman 1945-1958 Conflict & Crisis, Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1977. Goldman, Eric Frederick, The Crucial Decade and After: America, 1945-1960, New York: Random House Inc. , 1956. Hamby, Alonzo L, A Life of Harry S. Truman, Man of the People, New York: Oxford University Press Inc, 1995. Pemberton, William, Harry S. Truman, Fair Dealer & Cold Warrior, Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1989. State Department, â€Å"Summary of Telegrams for Greece, Poland and USSR,† 25 February 1947, Truman Presidential Museum and Library, 15 April 2003 Truman, Harry S. , â€Å"Address of the President of the United States: Recommendation of Assistance to Greece and Turkey,† 12 March 1947 Truman Presidential Museum and Library, 15 April 2003 Truman, Harry S. , Memoirs of Harry S. Truman, vol. 2. Garden City, Time, Inc. 1956. Woelfel, Scott, â€Å"Interactive Maps,† Cold War, CNN Interactive, April 1999 Oct 15, 2005 G. Appendix Truman Doctrine Truman Doctrine Ryan Hauppa A. Plan of Investigation The following questions will be investigated: What were the events and decisions that led to the development of the Truman Doctrine? What was its effect on US Foreign Policy and its impact on Greece, Turkey and Europe? Research will be conducted concerning the Post World War II Treaties as Potsdam, Soviet Union aggression, and the Greek and Turkey Crisis. These events prompted the development of the Truman Doctrine – the US foreign policy to contain the spread of Communism. Truman’s 1947 Address that introduced the doctrine to the world, his own personal thoughts, and the support and criticism of the policy will be examined. The doctrine will be analyzed as to how it shaped future American policies and programs as the Marshall Plan and led to the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War over forty years later. (Word Count -143) B. Summary of Evidence World War II devastated Europe. Millions of people died. Many of those remaining were starving and in need of food and shelter since the farms and cities of many countries were destroyed. Billions of dollars were spent. Countries were nearly bankrupt. Europe was in economic, social, and political devastation. After the surrender of Germany in 1945, the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union met first at Yalta and later at Potsdam in Germany. They met to resolve war reparations and boundaries of Germany. As part of the agreements, Germany was divided into East and West. The Eastern portion was controlled by the Soviet Union and the West by the United States, United Kingdom, and France. Berlin, the capital, which is inside Eastern Germany, was also divided by the four countries. Pemberton 50) In 1945 and 1946, Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union, had been taking over new countries including Poland, Hungary, Romania, and Czechoslovakia by establishing governments favorable to him. (CNN Cold War Appendix Maps) The Soviet Union focused next on Greece and Turkey. In February of 1947, Great Britain informed the United States in a â€Å"State Department Telegr am† that that they could no longer provide financial aid to the governments of Greece and Turkey since they did not have the money and resources. Both governments were being threatened by Communist insurgents. (Truman Library Telegram 1) Truman pledged that â€Å"it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or outside pressures† in a â€Å"Address of the President of the United States† in March of 1947. (Truman Address 1) The economic aid program was costly amounting to total of more than $400 million for the two countries to aid the pro-democracy governments and oppose the Communists. The policy was later called the Truman Doctrine. Congress was divided over the program. Democrats wanted to give diplomacy and the newly formed United Nations a chance while Republicans were isolationist and concerned that the program was too costly. Despite a divided Congress, the program was adopted since both eventually were more concerned over the spread of Communism in the region. The Cold War confrontation had begun. The United States and its principles of freedom, capitalism, and democracy were fighting philosophically and economically against Communism and the Soviet Union. Donovan 286) Truman and George Marshall, his Secretary of State, then prepared for even greater aid for the rest of Europe. Their objective was to rebuild Western Europe and prevent a Communism take over of the remaining free nations. The policy was called the Marshall Plan, the European Economic Recovery Program. Over $13 billion in aid was provided in 1947. (Truman Memoirs 111) The Cold War was expanded. Stalin tried to disrupt the United States and it s allies in 1948 and 1949 by shutting down access to Berlin. Truman responded by airlifting supplies into the city until access as again. (Pemberton 102) Afterward, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was formed in 1949 to defend Western Europe militarily against a Soviet invasion as response by the United States in the Cold War. The Soviet Union in turn allied the Eastern European nations under the Warsaw Pact. (Pemberton 104) The Berlin Wall, the symbol of the Cold War, was built in 1961 and later torn down in 1989 after many years of conflict. The Soviet Union ultimately collapsed in 1991. (Word Count – 567) C. Evaluation of Sources The most important source in investigating the topic of the Truman Doctrine is President Truman’s Memoirs. The actual 1947 â€Å"Presidential Address Recommending for Assistance to Greece and Turkey† and critical government documents as the â€Å"State Department Telegrams for Greece, Turkey and the USSR are included. Truman gives his own personal viewpoints of what happened while he was President. The researcher can obtain a clear view from the president himself. From his writings, you can tell that Truman was a hard working, â€Å"tell it like it is† man. When he made a decision, he stuck with it and moved on. The decision to proceed with the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan was difficult and not very popular, but Truman did it because he thought it was the right thing to do. The limitation of the source is that it was written by Truman and may make him look too favorable. The other source most used was the book written by Robert Donovan, The Presidency of Harry Truman 1945-1958 Conflict & Crisis. Mr. Donovan was a journalist at the White House during the Truman presidency. He provided critical firsthand insights into the actual events through his notes and research from the actual participants. His research into the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan was more thorough and comprehensive than most of the other sources used that were cited in the research paper. Mr. Donovan provides an excellent historical perspective of the pros and cons of Truman’s and his staff’s decisions. The limitation of the source is that the book was written in 1977 so it does not include the perspective after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Soviet Union and Communism in Europe. Word Count – 285) D. Analysis Truman in his Memoirs describes his 1947 Address as follows: â€Å"This was, I believe, the turning point in America’s foreign policy, which now declared that wherever aggression, direct or indirect, threatened by peace, the security of the United States was involved†¦After I delivered the speech the world reaction proved that t his approach had been the right one†. Truman went on further to describe in other addresses â€Å"the alternate ways of life†¦ One way is based on the will of the majority, and is distinguished by free institutions, representative government, free elections, guarantees of individual liberty, freedom of speech and religion and freedom from political oppression†¦The second way of life is based upon the will of the minority forcibly imposed upon the majority. It relies upon terror and oppression, a controlled press and radio, fixed elections and the suppression of personal freedoms†. (106) Truman believes that the United States and its democratic way of life is better then the Soviet Union and its evil oppressive way of life. He wanted to make sure that the world understood his commitment by his strong language. The Communists should not quickly take over free countries and threaten the United States and its allies. His own divided Congress should beware of the past policies of isolationism and the hope that diplomacy and the United Nations could solve the crisis. The Soviet Union already had taken over the Eastern European countries in violation of the Yalta and Potsdam agreements. The Greece and Turkey crisis was critical to victory in the Cold War. If either Greece or Turkey fell to the Soviet Union, the other would follow. More nations would tumble â€Å"as a row of falling dominoes† extending Soviet domination to Europe, the Middle East oil fields, and Africa. (Hamby 391) (CNN Cold War Appendix Maps) Communism could have spread very quickly worldwide, but it did not. The Truman Doctrine is the epitome of the containment of Communism. (Donovan 284) Greece, Turkey, Europe, and even Russia, the former Soviet Union, are currently free and democratic nations. Europe was in economic, political, and social devastation after World War II. Winston Churchill once declared, â€Å"What is Europe now? It is a rubble-heap, a charnel house, a breeding ground of pestilence and hate. † It was the perfect time for the Soviet Union to support Communism. (Goldman 66) At over $13 billion, it was aid on a much greater scale. The Truman Doctrine prompted the Marshall Plan. Truman in his Memoirs claimed that the plan was developed to do the following: (1) Counter increasing pressure of Communist imperialism, and (2) Rebuild Europe. By rebuilding Europe, America would help to establish that healthy economic balance which is essential to the peace of the world. 111) Rebuilding Europe was not only a national security issue but also a national economic issue. At the end of World War II, the United States was a major exporter. (Donovan 287) Without a strong Europe, the United States would likely have had a poor economy for many years because of lack of trade with Europe. Instead, the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan led to over fifty years of prosperity for Europe and the United States and the end of the Cold War. (Word Count – 534) E. Conclusion With the Truman Doctrine, the United States entered a new era of foreign policy. Great Britain, France, and Germany were no longer the colonial powers. The United States was the most powerful free nation in the world. The balance of power changed. Over the next forty years, the United States and the Soviet Union fought a Cold War for a way of life. The United States spent trillions of dollars, but the spread of Communism in Europe was contained. The result would have never have occurred had it not been for Truman’s bold move in Greece and Turkey. The cost was great, but the cost would have been greater if United States lost. Europe could have turned Communist. Instead, the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union collapsed. Russia has enacted democratic reforms and a capitalist economy, which is ultimate proof of the success of the Truman Doctrine. (Word Count – 148) F. List of Sources Donovan, Robert, The Presidency of Harry Truman 1945-1958 Conflict & Crisis, Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1977. Goldman, Eric Frederick, The Crucial Decade and After: America, 1945-1960, New York: Random House Inc. , 1956. Hamby, Alonzo L, A Life of Harry S. Truman, Man of the People, New York: Oxford University Press Inc, 1995. Pemberton, William, Harry S. Truman, Fair Dealer & Cold Warrior, Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1989. State Department, â€Å"Summary of Telegrams for Greece, Poland and USSR,† 25 February 1947, Truman Presidential Museum and Library, 15 April 2003 Truman, Harry S. , â€Å"Address of the President of the United States: Recommendation of Assistance to Greece and Turkey,† 12 March 1947 Truman Presidential Museum and Library, 15 April 2003 Truman, Harry S. , Memoirs of Harry S. Truman, vol. 2. Garden City, Time, Inc. 1956. Woelfel, Scott, â€Å"Interactive Maps,† Cold War, CNN Interactive, April 1999 Oct 15, 2005 G. Appendix

Monday, July 29, 2019

Legalization of Cannabis in United States Essay

Legalization of Cannabis in United States - Essay Example The report said, â€Å"†¦we have concluded that society should seek to discourage use, while concentrating its attention on the prevention and treatment of heavy and very heavy use. The Commission feels that the criminalization of possession of marihuana for personal use is socially self-defeating as a means of achieving this objective† (National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse cited in McWay). Decriminalization of the cannabis primarily means replacement of penal sanctions with civil penalties that are significantly flexible than the period of imprisonment (Roffman and Stephens 328). Cannabis is a drug with a lot of uses and very little risks, so it should be legalized in the US. Medical purposes are the strongest reason why cannabis should be legalized. It is possible to use the cannabis for the treatment of myriad of diseases. Cancer chemotherapy causes such symptoms as vomiting and nausea in the patient. If cannabis is used for the treatment, its active ingredi ent THC helps alleviate the pretreatment anxiety and minimizes the nausea and vomiting. The patient loses lean mass and suffers from a low appetite in the AIDS. Selecting the cannabis for the treatment improves the patient’s appetite. In the case of muscle spasms, cannabis is useful because of its ability to reduce the spasms and ease the incontinence of the bowel. In addition to that, the cannabis also relieves the depression of the patient. Glaucoma is a sort of blindness caused by the build-up of pressure in the eye. Cannabis can be used as a treatment to release the pressure inside the eye. Cannabis also helps treat the asthma by opening up the lungs. Legalizing the cannabis will not only provide the patients with a legitimate way to get rid of the disease, but will also enable the scientists and researchers to conduct research on the cannabis in order to unveil more knowledge about their medicinal uses. Legalization of the cannabis means treatment of the drug abuse not a s a criminal issue, but as a medical problem. The US government has wasted a lot of money in taking measures to keep the cannabis from being available in the market in the past. According to an estimate, the US government incurs a total cost of about $10 billion on an annual basis in her efforts to make the country free of cannabis. On the other hand, the State of California produces the legalized medicinal cannabis for a total revenue of no more than $14 billion every year (â€Å"Pro's of Marijuana†). Therefore, if the US government legalizes the cannabis, she can tax the revenues and would gain additional money to use on the social well-being. This money can be used both to make the people aware of the negative effects of the consumption of cannabis on the health and also for arranging the treatment of the diseases caused by its consumption. The US has once seen the negative consequences of banning alcohol in the country. In the 1920s, selling and buying alcohol in the US w as officially banned. This put the control in the hands of the Mafia that both produced the alcohol and supplied it to the consumers. The corner drug dealers in the 1990s have followed the Mafia of the 1920s in the same footsteps. The unregulated trade of the black-market with the legalization of the cannabis would help reduce the number of yearly suicides and natural deaths in the US and would also cause a decline in the violence in the country. Presently, a significant population of prisoners in the US has been jailed

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Evaluative argument Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Evaluative argument - Assignment Example Hence, the two sides agree on one thing that video games should be played sparingly to enable an individual balance with work or assigned duties because of its addictive nature. This paper will focus on the effects of video games. Most video games have negative implications for children or adults because they shape the way individuals thinks and modifies their behaviors. For instance, some video games such as â€Å"Mortal Combat† contain violence, which affects the behavior of the player (Mullan 5). This makes the player develop aggressive thoughts, feelings, and actions towards the third party (Mullan 5). Similarly, it makes the players develop decreased pro-social of helping making it have a harmful effect. The violent nature of video games is because of its interactive nature since the players are rewarded for being violent (Mullan 7). In addition, the players become in control of the violence experience through killing, stabbing, shooting, among others depending on the programming of the game (Greitemeyer 500). Hence, the active participation makes the players learn the violent behaviors, which they might exercise after the end of the game (Mullan 7). Secondly, video games make the players become socially isolated since they spend most of their time playing games than interacting with other peers (Kim, Byungjoon and Robert 22). Those who become addicted to video games spend little or no time to do their homework, read, sports and interact with family members, hence contributing to their isolation. In many cases, a child who is used to interacting with the game finds pleasure in games than bonding with family members. This makes others lock themselves as they play the game. In other instances, gamers stay away from others whom they feel interferes with their gaming ability. For this reason, many children will abscond their duties assigned to create

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Aliens exist Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Aliens exist - Research Paper Example Hence the survival of the fittest phenomena led to the birth of human beings who are supposed to be the perfect specie on the face of this earth. Human beings also known as Homo sapiens created civilizations which are still known to the whole world. As time passed by it was discovered that the planet in which we live is known as the earth and there is a whole galaxy outside. Gradually it also became known that other planets existed in this world. Now the question arose in the mind of human beings that if other planets could exist in the galaxy then it was also quite possible that other forms of life also existed besides the Homo sapiens. Other forms of life on planets other than Earth were given the name of aliens. However it is yet to be proved that aliens do really exist or not. On this issue there has been a large debate going on in this world and several organizations have been formed to report any unusual activity which might be performed by powers outside this world. This argum entative essay would present the arguments from both sides regarding the existence of aliens and would provide a conclusion which would judge as to if the aliens do really exist or not (Caldwell 2005; Murray 2009; Brockwell 2008). It has been reported that many unusual activities have taken place in this world which might be influenced by power residing outside this world. Many individuals have faced these unusual activities and report these activities to the relevant organizations. Some individuals put forward the claim that they have been abducted by the aliens while some put forward the claim that they had sighted a UFO near their house. However these findings have yet not provided a solid proof regarding the existence of the aliens. Brockwell on this issue provides with rather interesting information regarding the existence of aliens. According to Brockwell in 1966 a space shuttle was sent to generate electricity by the earth’s magnetic field. This

Friday, July 26, 2019

Protest Against Slavery In New England Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Protest Against Slavery In New England - Essay Example If one man raises his voice, then others will follow and this can create a strong protest against slavery which can bring freedom to people chained to injustice. The quote further asserts that struggle has mighty power and fight against slavery is an inevitable want and people must in some way protest against this. Without fighting there is no way out to come out of slavery. The people who practice slavery must be made realize the ill effects of this practice and should also be made understood the value of freedom and human rights. This quote is very useful one as it awakens the dull mind of people of New England and States as people are remaining ignorant and unaware of the injustice happening in their country. The quote is in many ways alerting the common men that fighting is not an easy action and can have many negative consequences. This quote is a warning and precautionary message to the people about what they should anticipate. People here are not only awakened but also are giv en guidance towards the reaction of the protest. It is highly appreciable of the quote that it projects facts about the real scenario of a fight against slavery. Slavery is indeed an evil which eats into the infrastructure of a society. Slavery upholds racism, disrespect, and cruelty in a society. So as the quote suggests it is highly necessary to fight against slavery. The quote claims that if people rise to fight against the slavery, then the union of the country may break up and this should not be the concern of the people.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Concert Report of Gentleman's Rule Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Concert Report of Gentleman's Rule - Essay Example Because the program was organized in the evening, lighting was an important and integral part. There was sufficient lighting to make everything visible. The lighting system was also used as a decorative system as there were combination of different forms and types of lights in different switches and rhythms so synchronize with the music that was being done. Again, because there was a conscious effort to ensuring that fans and all other stakeholders within the premises of the theatre did not have problem with visuals, there was create visibility with the lighting system that was provided. It was the stage itself that did not have much light due to technical reasons such as concentrating the light only on people of whom the technical themes wanted attention to go to at a point in time. On the issue of ease of movement by patrons of the concert, particularly the fans, it would be said that even though the Royal George Theatre is a very sizeable place, for some reasons, it could not guar antee patrons of the program much movement. The problem was not due to that natural size of the auditorium but due to the fact that the songs that were done where danceable tunes, of which most fans wanted more and more space to shake themselves off with the music. Accessibility for people with disability would however be approached with a different tone noting that so much room was made for these people to have accessibility. There was actually a whole floor on the storey row that was preserved for people with disability. This was a step in the right direction as this floor was well fitted with accessible gadgets for the people with disability. Sound levels were perfect from a technical view point as organizers and the sound theme ensured that there was perfect harmony in the production and release of sound. There was virtually no instrument in the room, whose sound level was swallowed by the other and this contributed to the harmony in sound production and sound levels (Graves et al, 2002). But as expected, the voices of the fans swallowed the sound from the stage on some occasions, especially in cases where well known tunes were being played. In sum, it would be said that the venue of the concert was very comfortable in terms of sound and lighting but not so much comfortable for people who really were bent on using their dancing shows to the fullest. This is because the concert was organized to take a more diplomatic form whereby the fans would be passive rather than active participants. Performers The main performers for the show were the Gentleman’s Rule. These are a group of young and talented ten (10) male singers and composers (Gardner, 2006). The area of specialization of these singers is mainly acapella. On stage that night, the clothing of all 10 was something that deserves commendation. This is because the clothing was designed to give unique identities to these performers. For example they were dressed according to their vocal roles in the group with the led singer having what has come to be known as the Michael Jackson hand band. Light skinned clothes that would not make them produce so much sweat. The shirts were short sleeved to allow for aeration and the trousers were certainly made of cotton to absorb liquid well. The actions performed by the singers on stage often changed with the mode of the song being delivered. But the organization of the songs was done so well that

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Human Resource Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Human Resource - Research Paper Example ining close collaboration between the various functional departments and resolving inter-departmental issues are a matter of daily occurrence for an HR manager. An HR manager may be required to generate reports based on staff related issues on a daily basis or as required. An HR manager is required to weekly assess the performance of staff, identify the loopholes, suggest and implement corrective measures to improve the performance in the upcoming week. Also, the HR manager weekly reviews the expenses and verifies that they conform to the pre-defined budget for the specific activities. An HR manager attends monthly meetings among the project parties and represents the HR department in such meetings. An HR manager might be required to administer and review the progress of the research conducted by the organization on a monthly basis. An HR manager assumes a huge responsibility in conducting meaningful research. Project managers work in close collaboration with the HR managers in the allocation of budgets to various projects and the constituent activities every year. â€Å"Ensure compliance to the approved salary budget; give focus on pay for performance and salary benchmarks where available.† (Goyal, 2010). Besides, HR managers are consulted while selecting the staff to be promoted after an analysis of their past year performance. To me, the job of an HR manager is too serious and sensitive in nature to be interesting, though one always feels special being on such an authoritative position as that of an HR manager. However, an HR manager might find it interesting to learn the departmental issues and resolve inter-departmental conflicts. What is not interesting about the job of an HR manager is that many project managers tend to sideline HR managers as they view them as their professional competitors. As an HR manager, I can be very good at decision making because the decisions I take usually prove beneficial for me and for others in the long run. However, I need

FedEx Corporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

FedEx Corporation - Essay Example The company realizes the importance of impeccable customer service and has tried to satisfy the needs of its customers in a superior manner. FedEx had, in collaboration with Motorola, developed pocket PC for couriers to enhance customer service (Editors, 2002) FedEx also has a foolproof complaint management system where consumer complaints are speedily handled. Organization Culture FedEx has built a culture wherein every employee is urged to express ideas and strive for excellence (Flaum, 2005). This has ensured that its employees do not become complacent. The company has flourished primarily because of the passion with which FedEx employees serve customers (Smith, 2001). People First Barney & Wright (1998) over that FedEx works on the philosophy of ‘people-first.’ Fred Smith is a staunch believer of the fact that customer satisfaction begins with employee satisfaction. FedEx has embraced technology to ensure that customers can track their orders through multiple platforms. Use of technology has enabled the company to improve its effectiveness and efficiency. A case in point is the bar code system generally used in retail stores. FedEx was a pioneer in using the same bar code technology to track packages. Equipped with state-of-the-art-technology, FedEx launched its Critical Inventory Logistics services to enable customers efficiently manage high-value and time-critical inventory (Business Wire, 2012). The new service was targeted at the telecommunications, semiconductor, and biomedical industry.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

A ustralian Company Accounting Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

A ustralian Company Accounting - Coursework Example Income tax Liability (Statement of Financial Position) $ 4,650 Requirement 3: Treatment: Doubtful Debts Expense: Doubtful debts represent that balance of amount which will not be recoverable out of the total trade receivables of the company. This is considered to be a trade expense thus is accounted for in the income statement of the company. Rent Revenue: Rent revenue is defined as an income generated by the company through renting out any of its assets. It can include machinery, equipment or property. All kinds of income generated by the company are included in the profit and loss account of the company. But for tax purposes it is taxable under savings income heading so it will be deducted from the profit of the company and taxable separately as the savings income has a different tax rate. Entertainment Expense: Entertainment expense comprises of the expense incurred during the process of entertaining the clientele of the company. As the entertainment expenses incurred on the emplo yees is not an allowable expense for tax purposes, it is assumed that this expense relates to the one incurred on the clientele unless otherwise stated. Thus it will also be included in the profit and loss account of the company for tax purposes as a deductible. Requirement 4: Calculation of Deferred Tax Asset and Liability: Calculation of tax base values of assets: MOTOR VEHICLE: Book Value ($) Tax Base ($) Motor Vehicle (Cost) 18,000 18,000 Motor Vehicle (Acc. Depreciation) (15.750) (18,000) ------------------- ---------------- 2,250 Nil Thus Deferred Tax Liability = 2,250 * 30% = $675 EQUIPMENT: Book Value ($) Tax Base ($) Equipment (Cost) 100,000 100,000 Equipment (Accumulated Depreciation) (60,000) (45,000) ------------------- ----------------- 40,000 55,000 Deferred Tax Asset = ($55,000-$40,000) * 30% = $ 4,500 RECEIVABLES: Tax Base = $12,000 Thus deferred tax liability = 12,000 * 30%= $3,600 RENT RECEIVBALE: Tax Base = $2,800 Thus deferred tax liability = 2,800 * 30% = $840 T otal Deferred Tax Liability = $675+$3,600+$840 = $ 5,115 Thus the new deferred tax asset and liability becomes $4,500 and $5,115 respectively. Requirement 4: Journal Entries: Deferred Tax Asset: Dr. Tax Expense (Statement of financial performance) $ 1,950 Cr. Deferred Tax Asset (Balance sheet) $ 1,950 Deferred Tax Liability: Dr. Tax Expense (Statement of financial performance) $ 2,370 Cr. Deferred Tax Liability (Balance sheet) $ 2,370 Question 2: REPORT Executive Summary This report is designed for the purpose of reflecting on the new accounting policy change that is being implemented by the company which requires the company to disclose its advertisement expense as an asset as opposed to be treated as an expense as it incurs. In this report it was observed and suggested that the criteria for the policy change implemented by the company met the recognition criteria of an asset as set by the AASB (Australian Accounting Standard Board), and was of material balance to be disclosed in t he financial statements of the company. Introduction: The purpose of this report is to determine if the new policy of the company to record its advertisement expenses as an asset is true and fair according to Australian

Monday, July 22, 2019

Religious Ethics Essay Example for Free

Religious Ethics Essay In this essay, I will be taking religious ethics to mean the ethical principles of Christianity, i.e. Christian Ethics. This includes the moral decisions based on the teachings of Christianity from such sources as the Bible. The term environmental issues covers a broad spectrum of concerns. As far as ethics is concerned, the issue is how far our moral concerns should extend to the environment and how we should live out our responsibility towards it. By environment, the earth and all its living entities are concerned. As our concern for the environment has increased and our general awareness heightened, debates about morality towards the environment have emerged. Issues such as climate change, pollution, global warming and the extinction of species can all be linked to the actions of humans (e.g. CFCs and the burning of fossil fuels). Therefore, as the damage to our environment becomes more problematic, the link between its deterioration and the actions of humans becomes more prominent. Anthropocenctrism, usually attributed to the teachings of Christianity, places humans at the centre of the world and therefore the environment. Aristotle taught that nature has made all things specifically for the sake of man; he basically states that humans are the only beings on earth that have intrinsic value, and that everything else placed on this earth has instrumental value and is to be used for the benefit of humans. Humanity is placed at the top of Aristotles hierarchy due to their possession of reason; animals can move and feel pain so come next; plants who can only grow and reproduce are placed at the bottom; and he appears to place no value on inanimate objects as they dont even have a vegetative soul. During the late 18th century and the early 19th century, the thinkers of the enlightenment period, also known as the age of reason, emphasised anthropocentric approaches and concluded that reason is the mark of authority. Scientific discoveries were made that bred confidence in mans ability and shifted philosophical thought away from the teaching that God and the church are the centre of morality. Capitalism emerged which taught emphasising the success of the individual. Immanuel Kant placed humans at the top of his hierarchy with their intrinsic worth due to their possession of reason. Kant also viewed animals as of no moral concern to humans; the only time it is wrong to hurt an animal is when it could instrumentally harm a human. However, by Kants reasoning that we can only have concern for animals if the impact is on humanity, he is contradicting himself as he looks to the consequence, which denotes it as a hypothetical imperative and therefore immoral. He also decides on moral action using formulations of the categorical imperative; 1. universalisability, where no contradictions can occur. Kant did not intend his theory to be used as an environmental ethic as it was not relevant at the time. 2. Kant declares that only moral rational agents need moral consideration as ends in themselves and we should exclude animals from moral worth which concludes it to be outdates and unsuitable to be used as an environmental ethic. Therefore, Kants ethic is likely to be an unsympathetic approach and would probably lead to damage to the environment. Christian anthropocentrism is mainly derived from the teachings of Genesis. The creation story (Genesis (1:26-28) teaches us to fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth. This implies that God has made all things for the sake of humans; that the only beings upon this earth that have intrinsic value are humans, and that everything else serves to benefit humanity (instrumental value). The only reason we need to have care for the environment is because our actions may have an impact, sooner or later, upon ourselves. St Thomas Aquinas also held this belief and stated that injury to an animals leads to the temporal hurt of man, either the doer of the deed, or of another. Dr Lynn White suggested that we need to re-examine our attitudes towards nature, which derive from our religious beliefs, in order to successfully address the ecological crises. He said Human ecology is deeply conditioned by beliefs about our nature and destiny that is, by religion. He develops this suggesting that our destruction and damage to the environment can be traced to the technological advances of the industrial revolution and the enlightenment period which are a result of the despotic interpretation of the Judeo-Christian teachings declaring Western Christianity as the most anthropocentric religion the world has seen. Utilitarianism is another approach towards ecological issues that one can consider when deciding the best approach towards environmental issues. Peter Singer is a preference utilitarian, who doesnt measure happiness in the measure of extent or duration of happiness but instead on the satisfaction of desires or preferences. Singer measures the importance of an individual or being, not on their possession of a soul or reason, but on their ability to suffer. To Singer, it doesnt matter whether the being in question is human or not and both humans and sensory non-humans are equally entitled to moral concern. As we can imagine that their preference would be to avoid pain. He accused many moral philosophers and scientists of Speceism; refusing respect to the lives of other species, not just humans, and proposed that we need to include animals in the expanding circle of moral worth; If possessing a higher intelligence does not entitle one human to use another for his own ends, how can it entitle humans to exploit non humans for the same purpose?. The problem that arises from Singers theory is whether or not plants, and lesser life forms and non-life forms are included in the expanding circle of moral worth as they are not conscious living entities so we dont know what their preferences would be. Initially, Singer does not consider lesser life forms to have any moral significance, but in the second edition of his book states the argument from intrinsic value of the plants, species or eco systems is at best problematic. Singers utilitarian argument has weaknesses in so far as it has no clear boundaries as to where our moral concern should lie. Unlike Christianitys anthropocentric approach which clearly places humanity as the centre of our moral concern, Utilitarianism only beholds vague ideas of where our moral concern should extend to. The utilitarian argument has its strength in its positioning of the capability of suffering above the possession of reason. This does bear a more sympathetic approach towards humans of lesser intelligence (i.e. those with special needs) but then suggests that they are on the same level as animals. This would suggest Christianity to be a better approach as it is more compassionate. Biocentrism, proposed by Paul Taylor, extends the circle of moral worth to include all living things and thus declares that humanity is not the centre of existence. Taylor argues that all life forms have intrinsic value which human beings have a duty to respect. We therefore have a moral responsibility towards them which would entail engaging in practices and policies aimed at specific ways of preserving the ecosystems. Taylor holds non-living things such as mountains to only hold instrumental value and therefore they bare no ethical status. Taylors argument is fairly balanced as it doesnt presume that human beings are the only beings with intrinsic value but he fails to introduce any sort of hierarchy and places humans on the same level as bacteria, which seems absurd. He also implies that we should all be vegans, but fails to address this, and doesnt consider whether a lion is acting immorally if it eats a zebra. Christianity therefore is more logical as it sets a clear hierarchy which allows mowing the lawn and eating meat. Ecocentrism is another approach to environmental issues. It recognises the importance of the ecosphere and the environment with out suggesting that any organism as more important than the other. Aldo Leopold proposed an ecocentric theory; The Land Ethic which simply enlarges the boundaries of the community to include soil, waters, plants and animals. Or collectively the land. He argued that current conservation policies are based on economic motives. He says it is inconceivable to me than an ethical relation to land can exist without love, respect, and admiration for land and a high regard for its value. By value, I of course mean something far broader than mere economic value; I mean value in the philosophical sense. He argues that Christianitys teachings of dominion saw us as conquerors of the land and that if we are to resolve the ecological crises we need to see ourselves as members of the community that also includes the land. Another ecocentric approach is that of deep ecology devised by Arne Naess. It was born out of appreciation for non-Christian religions that recognised the sacredness of natural phenomena. This includes the notion of biospheric egalitarianism which views that all living things have intrinsic value. Deep ecology views the world as a network of interconnected and interdependent phenomena; a web of life. These theories fail to determine how lesser life forms could have any moral interest, and how mountains and the like could have any moral interests whatsoever. This weakens it as Christianity. However it does appear to be more sympathetic as it concludes that other life forms have intrinsic value, not just humans. Another ecocentric approach is that of the Gaia Hypothesis proposed by James Lovelock. After discovering that it is the earths unique atmosphere that makes life on earth possible, he declared the difference between earth and the other planets was Gaia. All life forms are part of Gaia and he saw the earth as a self regulating living system. In his words Gaia is a complex entity involving the Earths biosphere, atmosphere, oceans and soil; the totality constituting a feedback or cybernetic system which seeks an optimal physical and chemical environment for life on this planet. He saw the ecosystems of the earth as intelligently organised, not by God, but by Gaias self engineering. He concludes that if humans were taken out of Gaia, it would survive without us; therefore, humanity is not integral to the environment. Lovelock later suggested that as the environmental issues increase, the planet may not be able to recover and we are in the process of killing the earth, which he refers to as matricide. This suggestion that the earth is intelligently organised has much evidence (for example the water cycle, the reproductive system). However, by suggesting that the earth is alive and therefore self regulates these systems is weak as it is hard to prove. For Christians, the intelligent organisation is of course a result of God. The despotic readings of the creation story present Christianity negatively as White argues. Because we are made in the image of God we believe that the world was made for our sake only. However, one must look at other interpretations of Christian teachings that would suggest a more considerate approach to the environment. One could interpret the use of the word dominion no as despotic, but as a call for stewardship. God has chosen humanity to regulate the response of the natural world to its creator so we must care and conserve and acts as the director of natures obedience to God. This makes Christian teaching more theocentric than anthropocentric as it suggests that the peak of creation is God. If we used this as a basic principle when approaching environmental issues, then it would be a strong theory, as it allows humanity to care for the land. Aquinass Natural Law theory is based on the thinking of Aristotle, that all things in nature are for the good of man. He extends this further to explain how things are not worthless, but valuable because they are what God intended them to be; they fulfil their own Telos. Humans are declared as the most valuable beings due to their creation in imago dei and possession of reason but we should follow stewardship rather than despotism. This would however suggest that despite the strengths of being stewards, being a Christian Ethic, one must have a belief in God to conclude this to be a valid approach to environmental issues. Another Christian approach is Joseph Fletchers Situation Ethics which emphasises the importance of love in moral decisions, but was never considered an environmental ethic. Fletcher believed in personalism; that people are placed before the laws, again being anthropocentric in that we are suggested to be able to do what we want. He promoted pragmatism; that one must do something that would produced the most loving consequences in that situation. This would be a positive approach to the environment as people would be loving towards it. This could perhaps places the environment second to human needs which would be a negative attitude. However, Fletchers ethic is too vague to be considered in any depth as we cant define what is the most loving thing, who its for or even what love means. Attfield suggests a deeper interpretation of Christian teachings in order to accurately devise an ethical basis towards the environment. He saw that in Job (38:25) for example, God is said to send rain for the plants and uninhabited wilderness. And to have made wilderness for the Ass. Also the proverbs inform us that a righteous man regardeth the life of his beast. This would be the understanding that Jesus would have had, following the Old Testament teachings. There are New Testament teachings that would instruct a more sympathetic attitude to nature such as Jesus time in the desert amongst wild beasts after his baptism, and the use of nature and animals in his teachings and parables. However, there are the passages of the Gadarene swine and the cursing of the fig tree that suggest a more inconsiderate attitude is permitted. In Hebrew tradition, Kings were answerable to God, not absolute monarchs in themselves, therefore according to Attfield the biblical dominion of man is no despotism. However, White argues that in medieval times the embrace of Christianity and the rejection of paganism changed the relationship between man and nature. The pagan ideas of living beings having a soul or a spirit (animism) encouraged a positive attitude towards nature, which were corrupted by the growth of Christianity. Attfield however counter argues these claims and says the ecological crises cant be blamed on ancient traditions as they have happened in more recent times (post 1945). Japan, for example, which is not a Christian country, shares many of the environmental problems that the West has. It is not just paganism and Buddhism that impose a limit on humankinds use of nature. Attfield then concludes that we neednt have a new environmental position; we just need to revert to stewardship rather than dominion. Walter H OBriant proposed a born again Christian belief in the rapture; that Christ will return and the bodies and souls of the saved will go to heaven. The earth is, according to OBriant, a temporary home therefore it doesnt matter what we do to the earth. After considering the theories discussed and evaluating their strengths and weaknesses I would argue that religious ethics are the best approach to environmental issues, provided we revert to a more stewardship attitude, rather than the despotic interpretation.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Role Of Technology In Teenagers Lives English Language Essay

Role Of Technology In Teenagers Lives English Language Essay Technology plays a vital role in the lives of teenagers. It is a medium used by Generation Y for a myriad of different purposes; communication, leisure and education. Teenagers employ the use of mobile phones and personal computers; they access the internet via these platforms using them to communicate with their peers. Throughout this essay I will be analysing the impact inflicted upon teenagers (16-18 years) communication levels with the rapid development of technology. The rapid development of technology, communication and its impact on teenagers will be the focus of this essay. The Oxford English dictionary defines technology as the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment (Technology. (n.d.),, 2010). The concept of technology interrelated with communication refers to communication via various avenues such as internet platforms (msn, twitter, flutter, etc.) which can also be connected to handheld devices such as mobile phones. Technology aids teenagers in communicating more easily and efficiently. The role of technology has changed greatly in recent times, and is not a new phenomenon. It is one that has been developing constantly and improving its efficiency over many years. Technology has extended peoples ways of communication. To get by their everyday lives people require a great deal of social communication. It has become apparent that in order to increase our awareness of the greater possibilities and options in life, we require greater levels of communication. Teenagers are the next generation; they have grown up with elevated expertise with regard to technology as opposed to the older generations. Technology has allowed for the manipulation of words via msn messengers or phone sms etc using chatiquettes (Netiquette, 2010) which are simpler and more convenient, yet grammatically incorrect. The question is whether technology users have become more educated or less educated via technology. As part of the research for this topic a questionnaire was conducted where a large amount of data was compiled from a certain age group with regard to their view on the topic of this essay. This allowed for an extra focus on the age group 16-18 where there were 53 participants. My main method of research was asking questions to generate evidence. This evidence was consequently compiled into sets of data to provide information about how teenagers are affected by their increased use of communicative technology. The students all attend a high school in suburban Melbourne. The results of the questionnaire will be discussed in a later part of the essay. The findings incorporated in the essay are the findings of Pew Internet Projects. These resources will provide an insight into the ways teenagers experience writing and technology in their lives and it will give a clear insight into whether technology users have become more educated or less educated via technology. This will help to determine the true implication that the rapid development of communicative technology has on the teenage age group (16-18) with regard to their communicative skills. This will be achieved by discussing both the negative and positive effects that technology has had on the communication of a teenager. From the discussed information it will be possible to determine the implication of the improvement of technology. PART 1: The Lives of Teenagers and their Technology The role of technology in teenagers lives continues to grow. Almost all teenagers nowadays have access to the internet via phones, computers and laptops. Moreover, technology is increasingly found in homes and schools. Teachers often expect students to have access to technology in order to have better presented work that is printed and easier to read. It seems that technology has overwhelmed the lives of teenagers although as mentioned before, it is developing constantly and improving in its user interaction efficiency. Also used to promote technology is the concept that the better technology the student has, in this case school attending teenagers, the more likely they are to excel in school, as it facilitates greater opportunities for education. In general, phones and computers are used by teenagers to keep records of events, to socialize with friends and family and for entertainment, be it gaming, movies and/or as an educational tool. In the questionnaire participants were asked: How often do you engage in some kind of format of electronics (instant messaging, sending emails, texting or posting comments)? Graph 1: correlation between boys and girls As seen on the graph, modern day teenagers accomplish a large part of their communication via technology. For internet-illiterates to understand these teenagers they need to implement similar language conventions that teenagers employ whilst using the internet. It is not to say that the original methods of communication have been eliminated, they have been modified through technology. This modification has aroused the concern of many people, with regard to the effect of the use of technology in this way and whether it has a positive or negative effect on them. It can be argued that teenagers communication levels have deteriorated by using shortened wordings like abbreviations or chatiquettes as used in online chatting systems . Nearly all teenagers use the internet. The internet usage has grown over the years; it has become apparent with many companies as they are providing offers of higher internet usage at lower prices, which indicates as to the demand of internet usage by people. It is fitting to say that since teenagers spend most of their time using technology then they would be the largest consumers of internet usage. The concept of technology in this essay is its interrelation with communication. There is a direct link between teenagers use of new media and how it allows them to enhance their communication techniques. Teenagers attempt to access communicative technology from various locations. Schools and libraries play an important role in the internet a teen can access outside the home. Now with WAP (wireless application protocol) students can access the internet on their phones, meaning students are constantly up to date even when they are not at home. Teenagers access the internet through credit or through the latest most advanced technologies known as Hotspots/WIFI hotspots. They allow you to access the internet from that specific place for free. Hotspots can be found in public areas and include places like Mc Donalds, schools and libraries. Yet, there are limiting factors to using the internet while at school or in the library which include, connection speed, the presence of internet filters, firewalls, and also blocked sites. Therefore it is evident that advancements in technology have allowed for solutions to most communication problems. As the world is becoming more wirelessly connected it is beginning to revolutionise the way in which teenagers go about with their daily lives. Many teenagers go online daily on social networking sites where you comment and post issues, popular among students these days. These interactive activities involve large volumes of written text and have become one of the essential daily bases of life to most teenagers, since such activities are required multiple times a day. According to the survey I conducted, teenagers have become heavily reliant on technology. In fact 39 out of 53 students say they are constantly engaged in some kind of electronic communication throughout the day, in short 73% of these students are evidently surrounded by electronic devices (Mohamad K, 2010). These devices are being used when a person is bored, while doing homework, before sleeping or as soon as they wake up. Students update themselves for the weather forecast, events or even check their email. In this da y and age individuals socially communicate via the internet. Being switched on has allowed individuals with opportunities never before fathomed. Nowadays we are able to communicate extensively with our community. One student noted I love using Skype; I speak to my sister in Abu Dhabi. Its great because I only see her once a year (Mohamad K , 2010). Rapid developments in technology have created an environment where information is accessible from all parts of the globe. This data is free and easily accessible, for teenagers this means they have access to a range of information resources, all at the click of a button. The internet has paved the way in communicating information. No longer do students need to have access to physical texts. They can extend their vocabulary, grammar and language conventions all by use of the World Wide Web. When students do not have access to books they can access so much textual context provided by the internet proprietors. Literacy is improved in many ways when a student reads a magazine, an article or even song lyrics they gain different levels of understanding in the way that these different types of pieces are structured. It also helps students understand different phenomenas they are not aware of, by using online thesauruses or dictionaries students are able to widen their vocabulary. Teenagers tend to make meaning from anything they see be it visual, written, or spoken texts. Teenagers as mentioned before have developed with technology and Pew internet and American Life project says that seven in ten students have a mobile phone, and six in ten have a desktop or laptop computer. Yes, six in ten teenagers are likely to have a computer but that is not the only communication tool being used. Mobile phones are perhaps one of the most used communicative technologies and have grown rapidly among teenagers. In general, phones and computers are used by teenagers to keep records of events, to socialize with friends and family and for entertainment, be it gaming, movies, and/or as an educational tool. PART 2: Teenagers and Their Writing Habits Having outlined and discussed the way teenagers interact with technology and their dependence on it, a discussion of the effect that this development in communicative technology has on them will allow for a better understanding of the implications of communicative technology. References to writing will be made mainly with regard to academic writing and social writing as they form the main bulk of writing undertaken by teenage students. It is apparent in teenagers that some enjoy writing or are gifted in writing while others are not. Taking into consideration the fact that writing, inside and outside of school writing is usually different in the lives of teenagers, it is possible to categorise them as formal and informal pieces of writing. Writing is essential to a person and it is crucial for people to develop writing skills especially teenagers attending school as it is their main form of communication (exams and tests). Todays teenagers write a significant amount at school and outs ide of school, yet the writing done outside of school such as emailing, instant messaging and texting are classified as informal writing. When teenagers use the internet they do not employ the proper use of language conventions however, according to Luke and Freebodys Four Rescource Model (refer to appendix 1) they are text decoders, participants, users and analysers. Language is always going to remain as such, though there are many forms in which a language, in this case English maybe manipulated by different people. The presence of slang English which refers to common day language has no grammatical basis in the English language; this is the best example of the manipulation of language. The same concept of slang language can be applied to the method of shortening words and abbreviating employed by teenagers during their communication through technology. These modifications to the language are not without reason. The abbreviation of words is usually either simply a result of the convenience of shorter words or due to the limitation by certain technology as to the size of the pieces of writing. Therefore the way people apply their language skills is different and will always be different its up to the teenagers in this day and age to ensure their increased usage of incorrect slang English language does not affect their basic English language skill s as the constant use of a certain form of the language will alter the basic underlying grammar principles. The digital age presents a paradox (Lenhart et al., 2008, pg(i)). Most teenagers now spend a great deal of time sending texts, it remains sceptical as to whether or not this text driven habit is inspiring a new appreciation for writing. As for school writing, the most common type of writing is note taking, writing essays and answering questions. All teenagers that attend school are predisposed to these types of work in most subjects and thus they form the need to improve their formal language skills, it can be safe to assume that formal language is far from being significantly deteriorated at this time in history, as technology is still dependent on formal language to convey ideas and information. As such though teenagers have developed differing writing habits with the use of technology for communication, the fact that they attend school ensures their link to basic formal language is not severed completely. In addition as a teenager most students believe that socially oriented writi ng they do using electronic devices is considered e-communication and therefore not writing (Lenhart et al., 2008). Students still hold the traditional definition of writing so technically their understanding of writing is not being deteriorated by technology (Lenhart et al., 2008). In my questionnaire the question asked was Do you think that electronic text is a form of writing? produced the following result. Graph 2: Amount of boys and girls who answered no to the question above In relation the graph, it can be understood that students do know the difference between electronic text and formal writing. All for one, the internet is a primary source of research for school writing and assignments and is an informative, communicative way that is everywhere and is present anywhere at once. The internet is not only used for school assignments, most commonly it is used for social networking, and communicating and media related activities. The writing students compose in school is basic and compulsory although writing composed outside of school is a piece that you mostly enjoy writing about that you mainly express yourself in. This type of writing outside of school enhances the writing capacity of teenagers in school and excels them overtime. PART 3: Electronic communication the relationship between writing, communication and technology ownership Teenagers are known to use the internet for many reasons. A study suggests that the communicative functions of the internet and mobile phone are the main reasons why teenagers use these technologies (Lenhart et al., 2008). These technologies have increased the methods of completing written works and the connection between people. Since technology together with the internet have promoted these types of writings and they have become widely known and popular. It is a worry for some people that students might become attached to these practises of writing and continues to write using the language of the internet. A study confirms 64 percent of youngsters ages 12 to 17 have used emoticons, text shortcuts and informal language in school assignments, the survey found (Horowitz E, 2008). Another question asked to the participants was, do you prefer using text language over acceptable English language in your essays? Graph 3: Amount of students who prefer using acceptable English language rather than text in essays To reinforce this I conducted a questionnaire which consisted of 12 questions that precisely devised and simple to understand. The difficulties and challenges encountered while creating this survey was first to actually understanding what students really thought about the influence that technology can have, and whether or not students understood that this rapid development is unhealthy for some of them. All in all everyone has different opinions; I had difficulties understanding some of their extended responses because some students did not answer accordingly. Also the fact that technology has become a part of our lives means it has become virtually invisible because it has become a need in todays society not a want. So its difficult to ask the students if technology has improved their writing or has degraded their writing, since technology has always existed in these teenagers lives. Therefore, students may not be aware of the impact technology may have on them. Teenagers in general have had different experiences with writing, as everyone writes for different reasons according to their interests. Nowadays when using the internet it provides you with more words and a wider range of ideas and aspects although it will not change the quality of writing it serves as a good information source, quality of writing comes with time and to establish this a wide range of vocabulary is required. According to my questionnaire many students believe that abbreviations such as; textonyms and chatiquettes could possibly be a way of speech sooner or later. Students said they can maintain the basic difference within their mentality between these languages and seem to imply that they will not make informal language become inherent within their language habits. Although, social analysts believe its highly likely with the rapid technology development. Many students have different views to this issue; some say that a text message would represent the way they speak however, with abbreviated words. And some say it depends on whether a person likes formal English speaking/writing or not. These are what some of the students had to say: The questions asked was do you think will soon speak the way you use text language? Why? Sarah Thomas: year 12 says: hopefully but I think its inevitable with the amount of technology surrounding us using this kind of speech. Zahra Ahmad: year 12 says: yes, its happening already, people, especially the younger generation, think its cool to talk this way. Because of so much use of the internet people will soon be speaking in the way of text language. Fatima Abou-eid: year 12 says:no because I like to read I love proper grammar and spelling others, however, who do not like English as much, might result in speaking in texting, eventually. Arian Behbahani: year 12 says: yes, it is how we communicate by the means of our main ways of communication. Nur Hannah: year 12 says: speak? Isnt text whatever you speak but with some letters omitted? Many teenagers use informal writing in school work, this consequently affects their language skills, according to Pew Internet Projects 50% of teenagers say they sometimes use the informal writing styles in the writing they perform for school. (Lenhart et al., 2008). It is not surprising that teenagers have adopted these writing skills and apply them to school writing. Given that, the daily lives of teenagers is being consumed by technological communicative systems it is most likely that they incorporate textonyms, acronyms, chatiquettes and abbreviations into school writing, examples of these are LOL (laughing out loud), ily (I love you), hru (how are you). Using these types of colloquial communicative methods outside of school is not the only factor that contributes to technology based writing in school work. It depends on the students attitude as well if a student considers that this type of writing electronic communication is considered writing than he or she is likely to use informal writing in school work and vice versa. Teenagers acknowledge the writing of slang in their work, but also overcoming this habit has various difficulties depending on the person though usually it is a matter of revising work to ensure the absence of informal writing. Overall, students in school are prompted to write about novels and articles which involve a great deal of formal language implementation. School writing helps them to achieve higher grades, excels their grammar their language skills and gives access to schools, universities. Therefore this would form an important motivation for students to perfect their formal language skills instead of allowing technology based language (sms, email, messenger style writing). Whilst the writing teenagers do for their selves expresses emotions releases stress its simple a chance to keep in touch. Many students value their formal work because its an accomplishment towards better writing. CONCLUSION This essay was and evaluation of the impact inflicted upon teenagers (16-18 years) communication levels with the rapid development of technology. Through research it is apparent that technology has extended our avenues of communication. It has done this via social networks and new media; they have paved the way for varied communication methods. Teenagers use these technologies to communicate and converse with their friends and family. Teenagers nowadays have grown up in a developed technical world. The research illustrated the ways in which teenagers use technology and apply it with writing skills, this was investigated due to the development of technology and the question of has technology impacted our youth communication levels?. Teenagers have adapted to technology and its widespread use in society. The findings that have emerged from this investigation is that teenagers use informal language on social networking sites the same way they use slang to communicate with friends. Both types of language would not be employed in a formal manner. As presented in my study, teenagers would use formal language when writing academic text, and could differentiate between the different styles. The research conducted as part of this study illustrated how technology improves and extends teenagers literacy skills. It proposes the importance of technology in a world dominated by new mediums. The study highlighted that teenagers could distinguish between formal and informal communication, and could determine the correct time and place to use either communication method. Whether technology or education is the reason for students adopting the slang style of language is a topic that can be further taken into consideration. What Education standard an individual is subjected to for e.g. Private school or a state school is a factor that contributes to an individual adopting slang language and that can be further understood due to different environments, teachers, and students. Although the final decision is for that individual to take, it is up to that individual to speak the way they want to speak. Technology on the other hand is a device students become familiar with easily. In implying this technology has paved ways for better and more effective communication around the globe. Do not be surprised when a student writes so very formally and talks in a manner that is colloquial. It is natural for a teenager to be at work having to complete an assignment/oral, and in doing so they will with no doubt speak/write in an improved formal manner. Technology and education maybe factors that contribute to an individual speaking colloquially, but these causes cant be to blame solely. The cutting down on letters in a word during a chatting session results in individuals chatting colloquially and that is what technology is made for, to make communication easier. BIBLIOGRAPHY

Cultivating Entrepreneurial Mindset And Skills Commerce Essay

Cultivating Entrepreneurial Mindset And Skills Commerce Essay Entrepreneurship is not merely starting a new venture, it is a mindset. It requires a certain level of skills to be an entrepreneur. Some people are born with this mindset, others hone their skills and attitude through education. In the present scenario, the aim of education is to attain a job in a reputed company with a hefty package. Education is ending up with a good placement. After placements there are two possibilities. Either the student does not get the desired job or he does not fit into the criteria of the organisation. Any of these situations leads into unemployment or dissatisfaction from job resulting into frustration and suppression of the skills of the student. The need of the hour is to imbibe attitudinal traits of positivity, motivation, innovation, open-mindedness, telescopic vision and a balanced approach towards life. These are the traits of an entrepreneur. An entrepreneur is a person who can face challenges, a risk-taker, a decision-maker, an innovator, a visionary, a leader, one who can build consensus and lead from the front. We need employees, who have this attitude, so that they can fit in the structure of an organisation, who can make a strong foothold with their work, who can turn the tables in their favour, who are passionate and dedicated towards their work and who have the courage and determination to face what may come. Such employees are an asset to and add to the growth of the organisation they are associated with. Moreover, if such individuals setup their own ventures, they add to the overall growth of the economy of the nation. As is well known that the MSME (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) sector forms the backbone of any economy, the development of this sector will result in the propulsion of the economy. Whether it is an employee or the owner of a business, the existence of entrepreneurial mindset and skills is a requisite. This can be a hereditary trait or can be developed through apposite education. If the education system develops this attitude and skills in the students, they can change the face of the earth with their innovative ideas and vigorous energy. This puts an added responsibility on the management institutions which are at the core responsible for teaching management skills to the students. The management institutions and the faculties need to create an environment which is suitable for the next generation entrepreneurship crop. The right platform and environment can help the students develop entrepreneurial mindset and skills that will enable them to be better employees and owners of businesses. The hidden talent and skills of the students needs to be identified and honed to perfection. The management course should not only teach the skills of managing a business but a lso cultivate the desired attitude and mindset leading to change in overall persona of the student. ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN INDIA As is rightly said, necessity is the mother of all invention, in India basically we have need based entrepreneurship. The examples are numerous; from the known faces of Dhirubhai Ambani, Indra Nooyi to unknown faces of Remya Jose for the foot pedal washing machine, Sheikh Jabbar for the geared rickshaw, Raghav Gowda for innovating the milking machine, Ashok Kumar for the tea making machine, Balram for remote controlled burning of crackers, Usman Shekhani for bamboo peeler, Appachan for tree climbing apparatus, Md. Saidullah for the amphibious bicycle, and many more. Mahendra Singh Dhoni (Captain Indian Cricket Team), Kishore Bayani (Future Group), Sabeer Bhatia (Hotmail) and Anil Agarwal (Vedanta) are entrepreneurs in their own settings. All these people, whether they are owners of big successfully running businesses or are into occupation or are sportsmen or are from rural backgrounds with not even basic academic credentials, have similar traits like innovation, leadership, courage, guts, determination, ideas, execution, self-belief, hard-work and the desire and passion to translate their dreams into reality. The small and middle enterprises set up by the entrepreneurs form the backbone of the economy. According to a report Empowering SMEs for Global Competitiveness released by Small and Medium Business Development Chamber of India, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a vital role for the growth of Indian economy by contributing 45% of industrial output, 40% of exports, employing 60 million people, create 1.3 million jobs every year and produce more than 8000 quality products for the Indian and international markets. SMEs Contribution towards GDP in 2011 was 17% which is expected to increase to 22% by 2012. There are approximately 30 million MSME Units in India and 12 million persons are expected to join the workforce in the next 3 years. SMEs are the fountain head of several innovations in manufacturing and service sectors, the major link in the supply chain to corporate and the PSUs. By promoting SMEs, the rural areas of India will be developed. SMEs are now exposed to greater opportunities than ever for expansion and diversification across the sectors. Indian market is growing rapidly and Indian entrepreneurs are making remarkable progress in various Industries like Manufacturing, Precision Engineering Design, Food Processing, Pharmaceutical, TextileGarments, Retail, IT and ITES, Agro and Service sector. The government of India is taking efforts to promote entrepreneurship. Following are some initiatives taken by the Government of India, Entrepreneurship cell in various educational institutions and universities of India Aim of the E-cells is to guide and motivate the students towards developing entrepreneurship skills They organize panel discussions, conferences, workshops, lectures, camps and competitions periodically to generate awareness about entrepreneurship Helping budding entrepreneurs during their start-up phase by mentorship programs Channelizing creative ideas to successful ventures Organizing annual events like Global Entrepreneurship Summit, Ventura Networking with investors to provide opportunities for viable projects and industry to provide them experience and ability to face the challenges Case studies, interactions with alumni entrepreneurs and business plan competitions Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDI), Ahmedabad, promoted in 1983 by All-India Financial Institutions viz. IDBI Bank Ltd., ICICI Ltd., IFCI Ltd. and SBI with active support from the government of Gujarat. It is a national resource institution committed to promoting entrepreneurship through education, research, training and institution building. The organisation believes that entrepreneurs need not necessarily be born but can be developed through well conceived and well directed interventions. They provide learning programmes, various courses related to entrepreneurship development and provide support for research activities in entrepreneurship. They aim to empower rural artisans, rural industries and village cluster industries. They provide gender sensitization training for personnel of corporate sector to promote women entrepreneurship. Apart from the government agencies, there are other organisations that are working to promote entrepreneurship. Some of them are as follows: TiE, The Indus Entrepreneurs, an association of venture capitalists that was founded in 1992 with the aim of fostering entrepreneurship globally through mentoring, networking, and education. They have various programmes like TiE Young Entrepreneurs (TYE) program and TiE Womens Forum. It is spread over 14 countries. They provide one-on-one mentoring from successful business owners. TiE has chapters in India in cities like, Ahmedabad, Chennai, Bangalore, Chandigarh, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Coimbatore, Delhi, Hubli, Hyderabad, Kochi, Pune, Patna, Kanpur, Jaipur and Nagpur. The chapters of TiE are customized based on the need and requirement of that region. National Entrepreneurship Network (NEN), an initiative of Wadhwani Foundation, is a non-profit organisation established in 2003 has a mission to create and support high-growth entrepreneurs, driving job creation and economic growth in India. NEN was co-founded by IIT Bombay; IIM Ahmedabad; BITS, Pilani; SP Jain Institute of Management Research, Mumbai; Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology, Bangalore. NEN is a community of new and aspiring entrepreneurs and has a base of 70,000 members in 30 cities. It provides support to budding entrepreneurs through entrepreneurship education, access to mentors and experts from industry, access to incubation, funding, learning material and tools. About 470 top-tier institutes in India are partners with NEN to facilitate in development of entrepreneurial mindset and skills on campus. It also runs Entrepreneurship Week India, an entrepreneurship-awareness campaign. These organisations are working towards developing entrepreneurial mindset and skills of students in colleges, universities and various other institutes. They are providing on campus support through collaboration with various universities, colleges and institutions and helping students directly or indirectly to develop entrepreneurial mindset and skills. The increase in the number of these organisations and appropriate dissemination of information will greatly help in the development of the required mindset. These organisations have to reach small cities and touch the students at the grassroot level. IMPORTANCE OF ENVIRONMENT To evaluate the importance of environment let us look all around us and observe nature. The seeds of a plant find their way to soil by various mechanisms and wait in dormant stage for the rains and the right temperature. The seed waits for the right environment and then sprouts. All seeds of a plant are similar, but the once that get the right environment flourish, the rest shrivel. It is all about the right kind of environment that nurtures the plant. Nature gives suitable environment. In a forest all the activities take place in perfect symphony, nature does the balancing act. In animal kingdom, the colony and social interaction of ants is a classic example of how nature teaches them to live and work together. Similarly, honey-bees with their Queen bees, drones and worker bees work in perfect synchronization with each other. Nature teaches them to survive, grow and develop. The team spirit of dolphins, the love and anger of monkeys, all is naturally learnt by nature. Human-beings are also natural learners. We have also learnt so many things from nature, for example, invention of injection has taken inspiration from biting of mosquito. The art of Kungfu has been developed from actions of our daily lives. We made urea, artificial fertilizer by taking inspiration from the nodules of leguminous plants that bind nitrogen to provide natural fertilizers to the plant. Similarly, Appachan could innovate the tree climbing apparatus because of the environment he lives in and Md. Saidullah could make the amphibious bicycle because he wished to meet his love who stayed across the river and he didnt like to wait for the boat. Entrepreneurship is innate. This is true but this is also equally true that entrepreneurship can be cultivated by the right environment and need. In the examples stated above, nature has given an environment to the persons. They did not have any academic credentials to boast of, neither they had the resources for research, but then also they were able to innovate because nature gave them the environment and generated the need for innovation. Moreover, human brain is the most fertile on earth that is always overflowing with ideas. Innovation, out of the box thinking has brought us from the Stone Age to the techno savvy age. Whatever technology is today is due to the innovations of yesterday. Nature relates to management science. Just as nature provides the environment for innovation, similarly we can create an artificial environment for cultivating the mindset and skills imperative for entrepreneurship. We need to apply it in education. The management institutions and faculties need to generate entrepreneurs. Everything can be learnt by giving the right kind of environment. The combination of right time, right environment, right place and right person can only bring about true entrepreneurial success. The fact of need based innovation does not only hold true in rural settings. Entrepreneurs like Sabeer Bhatia (Hotmail), Steve Jobs (Apple Computers), Steve Wozniak (Apple Computers), Buchheit (Gmail), Max Levchin and Peter Thiel (PayPal) also have done innovations when they got the right environment (case studies in Appendix 1). It is prudent to note that many of them did not have the required skills of their jobs and businesses but they had the right environment and so they learnt the skills and developed entrepreneurial mindset and became successful entrepreneurs. After reading these case studies we realize that we are all capable of training ourselves provided we get the right kind of environment and have the motivation to do something. ROADBLOCKS AND CHALLENGES In India students have a misconception that by scoring higher percentage by any means will result in better job opportunities. Students link percentage directly with intelligence and job prospects. In practical life, this is not true. The biggest challenge is the attitude of the student. The students generally have the IKIA (I Know It All) attitude. They are not exposed to the real working scenario in industries and corporate sector. The students in undergraduate and post-graduate courses believe that getting a descent placement is the end all and be all of education. The importance of attitude building is not understood by the students. Moreover, they pose a high degree of resistance to change. Neither they wish to change their perception nor do they wish to improve themselves in attitude. Their passive behaviour makes it difficult for any entrepreneurship related activity or program to make an impact on them. There are various stages in entrepreneurship namely, idea, innovation, prototype, finance, resources, consent and then commercial production. A person cannot be equally knowledgeable in all the fields, he / she can have expertise in one field and may be lacking in others. We need to device a methodology that caters to all the aspects of a personality to carve out a perfect entrepreneur. Timely dissemination of information is not done. The information about government schemes, activities and events related to entrepreneurship, initiatives by venture capitalists do not reach the students at the proper time. The absence of adequate and timely financial aid, inadequate capital and knowledge, dearth of suitable technology, struggle with the production capacity, unsuccessful marketing strategy, identification of new markets, limitations on modernisation expansions, non availability of skilled labour at affordable cost, support of various government agencies to solve problems etc. prove to be roadblock for the budding entrepreneurs. Lack of awareness about schemes, government policies, loan methods, bank schemes, legal processes, paper work, documentation, etc. make the students hesitant and scared in taking up steps to establish their own venture. Students do not have any idea about these issues. They should be aware about these issues and should have knowledge of these sectors. This will give them the required base for decision-making. As is rightly said, knowledge is power. We need to give them the environment that equips them with tools, knowledge, and awareness and gives them the confidence to take effective decisions. Sanctioning of loans, long and tedious procedures, requirement of venture capitalists, guidance, trademark, patent and copyright related issues, research and development, society support, support from government departments, banks and other financial institutions and corporate sector are factors that prove to be handicap in development of entrepreneurial skills and mindset. The major ingredients for success in developing entrepreneurial mindset are need, opportunity, desire and passion. Figure 1 SUGGESTED METHODOLOGY In education sector we have variety of students available and wide range of education institutes are available to cater them. Students studying in colleges are at the best level of understanding as they wish to grow higher in life. If job-oriented environment is provided to them then the students will consider job as their final objective. If the environment of entrepreneurship is provided then entrepreneurs will be generated. It is imperative that cultivation of entrepreneurial environment is done to prepare a breed of students with entrepreneurial skills and mindset. To develop or cultivate mindset of an entrepreneur in education sector, we have three stakeholders majorly, students, management institutions and faculty associated. We have variety of students available with different mindsets, coming from different educational backgrounds like science, arts, commerce, engineering, management, etc. They have different understanding of the subjects. Faculties are at the grass root level who know and understand their students. The management institutions provide facilities and resources for the generation of desired environment. Together they can create an environment fertile for the development of seeds of entrepreneurship. They can have the entrepreneurial workshops in their institutes, seminars related to the creativity and innovation, guest lectures by successful entrepreneurs, associations with organisations like TiE, EDI, etc., develop E-cells in their institutes, etc. For financial facility they can have National and Pvt. Banks along with venture capitalists. All the above mentioned methods are being followed by many colleges. These methods are general methods that will make the student aware of the skills and attitudes and will also help to cultivate them. But, none of these methods is parametric, none of these methods measures the presence or lack of the traits on a certain scale and none of these methods is individualistic in nature. We need a method that precisely delivers the information about the measure of each and every trait in each individual and has person specific methods to enhance the desired traits. Each individual is different and so the methods applied for the development of attitude and skills should also be different. When the attitude and skills of entrepreneur are developed then only mindset will cultivate. The power of skills, knowledge and the right tools promote the development of the right mindset. Such methods are used in army training camps and entrance tests conducted for army wherein each skill of an individual is tested on a scale by using various forms of assessment techniques. For developing entrepreneurial mindset, the education sector will also have to develop such a rigorous and accurate method for measuring each skill and attitudinal trait. The suggested methodology is, Develop innovation and creativity. Give the students some situations to think upon. Use simulation and case study methodology. For example, divide a batch of 60 students into groups of 10 students. In each group put them into a situation / task and silently observe them through glass walls or CCTV cameras. Record the full session for future reference. Identify the behaviour of each student according to entrepreneurial skills, for example, extrovert, introvert, team-member, initiator, motivator, leader, etc. Out of these 6 groups, we have approximately 10-15 students who are highly motivated, extrovert with leadership skills and rest of them having average or below average skill set. The next task after identifying skills of each group or person is to device methodologies to work upon and improve the skills upto the optimum level. The sessions need to continue with different kinds of situations / tasks so that different behavioural aspects of the individuals are visible. Introduce them to different sectors and situations, expose them to live projects and assign exercises that would find the loop holes. This will help in identifying the potential personality traits like leadership, team-spirit, initiative, team-builder, team-member, thinker, moderator, marketer, etc. Next, we have to develop the traits into more specific traits. The recordings should be done of each session to measure the change in bahavioural pattern of each individual and the group as a whole. After achieving the optimum level, students are having greater acceptability and better understanding. Continue the segmentation process / funnel process for choosing students. The refined ones will be segregated from the rest. Device specific methods to deal with each segmented group and each member of the group. Finally, the last lot will be remaining. Give them such an environment that they will also be motivated to think like the successful ones, the forerunners. After getting at optimum level, throw the light of knowledge of each and every aspect of entrepreneurial development like financial part, Research and Development, marketing, government grants and schemes and legal issues like trademark, copyright, patent, successful entrepreneurial theories, etc. A person after knowing all aspects of entrepreneurial development can have a better stand from traditional entrepreneur. The traditional entrepreneur have the hidden talent, they are able to discover only one talent and not able to polish all skills. In the modern entrepreneur, we are touching and polishing all skills and giving the right kind of environment to develop. This methodology is a systematic psycho-analysis based methodology for better and deeper understanding of a persons skills and attitudes. By using tools like: Test series Interview Role play Real life situations Story writing Essay writing A concept wherein the individuals each action, word and emotion is being monitored (as in Big Boss) Lecture Meditation Picture Analysis Mind games Perception Handwriting Analysis Games that force us to think out of the box, best possible ways to do things and develop alternatives. The main processes of this methodology are Identifying Segmenting Targeting. The major part of the study is governed by perception and assumption of the observer about the participants. Any false negative and false positive perception would lead into wrong decisions. As a result, we could skip the deficient skill in a person and result in incorrect stress on other skills that require less attention. We are performing 10-12 tests on an individual in a group with numerical tabulated results, then further discerning the overall trait score by applying appropriate statistical measures. This kind of approach would result in unbiased opinion about the entrepreneurial mindset of an individual. Figure 2 FUTURE The suggested methodology needs to be experimentally tested at school and college level. More and more researchers need to come forward to take up this study to add and extend it. Government and private agencies should support such experimental studies so that we can generate refined individuals with entrepreneurial skills and mindset. This methodology will yield into highly motivated, energized, aware and knowledgeable individuals who are capable to cater the needs of the society and will form the backbone of Indian economy. Development of such mindset will result in faster growing economy with more business opportunities flourishing. Our dependency on MNCs will shrink and we will be a self-sustained economy. The right mindset of the youth has the power to make India a super-power. CONCLUSION This research paper analyses the entrepreneurial mindset in India and suggests a novel methodology to create an environment of entrepreneurship. This study needs experimental base and needs time to set standards. It needs equal contribution from students, faculties and management institutions. After successfully completing the study, we have clear-cut demarcation of skill of each individual with an idea and scope of improvement in each each individuals skill. Then we can concentrate on each skill of each individual for improvement.