Monday, September 30, 2019

Redbus Expansion Strategy

1. ) Assume that you have a online movie ticketing business in India wherein you enable your customer to buy movie tickets online. It is a thriving business and in Metros and A-cities your company contributes to 60-70% of all ticket sales for the cinema. You are now looking at expanding your markets to other countries. How would you go about 1. a) Sizing the market? Ans: a) Identify the major multiplex and theatre players in the targeted countries. b) Get the data from them about how their tickets are booked. This can help us to identify what percentages of people book their tickets online.Another way would be to make people fill survey forms and these forms could be distributed outside the multiplexes or it could be distributed online. This would help us to identify the people who book tickets online. 1. b) Understanding the current behavior of movie ticket buying customers in that country Ans: a) Once we have identified the percentage of people who have book their tickets online we can segment them on the basis of following to study their behavior: 1) Demographics: age, region and income 2) Medium: Smartphone or computer ) Directly from the multiplex site(like PVR) or through some other site( like book my show) 1. c) Identify the segment that you would want to work in. Ans: I would like to work in online marketing. If I had to expand the movie ticket business in other countries after sizing the market and studying the behavior the next step would be to tap the market. In order to do that we will need to create a name for ourselves in that market. I would like to work on establishing ourselves in the online movie ticketing in new countries.Some ideas as of now I have is: 1) Give the consumers attractive offers along with the tickets. For ex: On buying more than 3 tickets together giving a complementary large tub of popcorn. 2) Make the site interactive and attractive. 3) Provide consumers something, which other players don’t. for ex: consumers will have the option of paying later which is not there in most of the sites as of now in India. 2. ) What are your thoughts on the E-commerce market in India and the impact of mobile for the same?Ans: The E-commerce market is in its budding phase in India as of now. It is growing at a fast pace and it’s going to grow at even bigger pace. Mobile has to play a big role in Indian E-commerce market. The Internet connectivity has increased manifold because of prevalence of smartphones. This can be utilized in numerous ways to benefit the business. It can help in targeted marketing. Secondly, people are going to do more and more of buying through Internet because it will be on their fingertips, they can use it anywhere anytime.As of now the internet on smartphones has not realized its full potential because of low speed but as 3G gets more popular and 4G makes its way into India speed won’t be a problem and people will start doing more and more of their transactions through mobile. Also this new concept of mobile money introduced by airtel in India is going to get more popular and the day is not far when people would be paying most of their bills through mobile money. So, I see a great future for E-commerce in a vast market like India and mobile certainly has a great role to play in it.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

4 main threats to Antarctica

Tourism: Strange as it may be Antarctica is gradually developing into a popular tourist destination. This is because people who have been around the world and seen places like Niagara falls and Ayers rock and other natural phenomena's like the idea of going to Antarctica and getting photos of penguins etc. The problem with this is that it upsets the local wildlife and can make disrupt mating season with certain species. Some of the ecosystems are so delicate that even the slightest human interference might disrupt them. These ecosystems must be protected at all costs and to protect them we cannot have tourists looking at them taking pictures getting involved with these animals who until recently had never seen a human before. Another bad thing about humans is wherever we go we tend to leave a mess and litter could severely damage the environment. Can you imagine a lichen/moss has taken hundreds of years to grow to finally get above the ice and survive only for a human to step on it and kill it? This is something that we cannot risk but tourism has a plus side. For instance it will provide another source of income that could help scientific equerries and if the proposed tourist building is built it will allow the scientists to work and do something different apart from research. It is hoped that this building would help tourism to expand from the present 2500 tourists a year. But how to protect animals from tourists? Is a very good question and a set of rules has been developed so that visitors can get a good experience without disturbing the wildlife too much. There is not much we can do to discourage tourism but we can set a limit to the amount of people allowed on the continent and make sure that they f ollow a set of guidelines so that they do not interfere with the wildlife. Mining: This is another big threat because things like oil and coal and minerals like copper and iron will not last forever. And the problem is that Antarctica has the worlds' largest coal deposits and possibly huge stores of oil that could be used to extract tens of billions of barrels of oil. It also contains several large deposits of iron ore and even some of gold and silver. This leaves a dilemma because if the resources run out then Antarctica could well be the answer to the problems but; there are many downsides to mining in Antarctica. It would be very, very expensive because all food, water and equipment would have to be imported and then on top of that the minerals would have to be exported but to where, and how? It is a very hard problem to resolve. As well as the problem with transport as hard as that is obtaining the minerals. Most are buried beneath tonnes of ice and it would be extremely dangerous trying to retrieve them. Another point is that the minerals and coal are very low quality and not worth risking lives and money for. The treaty has banned mining for 50 years and even after that time it may not even be considered. But by that time someone may have developed a way of getting the materials cheaply and quickly who can tell? Currently there seems no need for a solution so it is not yet a problem but some time in the future it may be so we have to be prepare. Global warming: this is a big threat because if the ice caps were to melt then sea levels would definitely rise considerably. Also it is not just melting ice caps that are dangerous but moving ice caps. Huge sections of ice are breaking off from the main mass of ice and drifting away on the currents. Could you imagine what would happen if a section of ice with a colony of penguins went floating away to a warmer continent where they could not find food? It is unsatisfactory but at the present time there is nothing we can do to completely halt global warming but reducing will help slow down the melting ice although there is little that can be done. Fishing: There is a danger that krill and other small fish will be over fished and that mean a huge danger for all the animals in the Antarctic. Krill provide food for nearly every sea animal and if they are over fished then the other will starve. This means that the krill must be protected at all costs and made sure that their numbers are not allowed to drop. It takes 20 years for a fish to mature and so over fishing is a great danger. By lowering fishing quotas and the time the boats are allowed to fish in the waters will help to keep up krill numbers and not over fish. Opinions: we interviewed several different people and asked what they thought about the Antarctic and what should be done. Japanese whale hunter: ‘Hunting whales is my livelihood and my family and I would starve if I couldn't hunt whales. Around the Antarctic there are lots of whales and we should be able to hunt them. I know we may put them in danger but there would be too many jobs lost if we weren't allowed to do it.' Australian fisherman: ‘I know that over fishing is a danger but we have to get enough fish to make money. I agree limiting the fish quota would help stop over fishing but they must not lower the fishing quota too much or we won't be able to make any money.' Scientist: ‘I am totally against any form of development, mining and even tourism because Antarctica, as the last wilderness on earth, cannot afford to be ruined by human corruption. If we allow too many tourists too come or too many fish to be caught then the whole eco-system that has survived for so long with no human interference will collapse.' Politician: ‘It is my view that eventually some development on Antarctica should be considered but for now we should look to preserve it. Although it will require an income and many people may not get as much pay as they did this cannot be helped if he purity that is Antarctica is to be kept safe. In my opinion I believe that Antarctica should be kept the way it is although maybe making it into a huge wildlife preserve or a world park seem like very reasonable ideas. Every precaution must be taken to prevent over fishing and the animals life from being disturbed. I leave you with this thought. In a hundred years the world's population could have doubled and every spare inch of land will be taken up by housing. Would you see a place like Antarctica filled up with houses? It may happen; so I suggest we try to keep it perfect while we still can and try to find out as much as we can before it's too late.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Government Discussion Question ( Essay) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Government Discussion Question ( ) - Essay Example rment to overturn any unconstitutional act by the Congress and observed that the judiciary â€Å"will always be the least dangerous to the political rights of the Constitution because it will be least in capacity to annoy or injure them†. His observation was on the basis that the judiciary has â€Å"no influence over either the sword or the purse† meaning the Court could not influence either the legislative or the executive. Agreeing with Hamilton’s views on the power of the Court, O’Brien in his analysis of the role of the Supreme Court in American democracy acknowledges limitations of the Court in the matter of policy making and bringing social change having by itself â€Å"no chance to resolve great issues of public policy†. However, he contradicts Hamilton’s contention that the Court is â€Å"least dangerous† and contends that it is no longer so. The Supreme Court, according to O’Brien, by getting increasingly activist has b ecome a â€Å"storm center† of national politics. Hamilton’s vision of a completely independent Court has not materialized and instead the judiciary has found itself acting under external pressures from the executive, legislature and the public opinion. Devoid of the power of â€Å"the sword or the purse†, the Court depends for the impact of its rulings and their influences on the policymaking on the political institutions of the country and the public opinion. The confrontations consequent upon the school desegregation ruling in the Brown v. Board of Education case (1954) is a pointer to the Court’s policymaking limitations. Hamilton’s observation that â€Å"there is no liberty if the power of judging be not separated from the legislative and executive powers† was intended to mean that people’s democratic right would be in danger if the Court does not independently act to uphold that right. The same concern is reflected in O’Brien’s argument for the Court to be an institution of prestige freeing itself from the political

Friday, September 27, 2019

Conflict as a Team Tool-Sheila Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Conflict as a Team Tool-Sheila - Essay Example Team formation has been a modern management model for quite a long. Both scholars and non-scholars have argued in its favor or disfavor. In this regard, the focus of this study is not to investigate the merits or demerits of this tool but to probe the level of independence that should be tolerated within teams. It is also in the interest of this study to establish how conflicts between groups affect departmental performance. To achieve their ultimate goals, departments divide the entire project into sub-units called tasks, each of which should be delivered by each team. Eventually, the accomplished works are brought together to realize the final goal (Bezrukova, Thatcher, Jehn, & Spell, 2012). In the course of their work, these teams require some independence so that they can perform their duties efficiently. What is of concern though is the level of independence these teams should be entitled to. Conflicts are bound to arise between various teams in their day to day duties. These conflicts have impacts on departmental performance and should be pointed to concern. Independence simply means that a team works without any interference or intervention from non-team members. This freedom cannot be exercised entirely since the teams must be interdependent at some points. As a result of the interdependence, disagreements and dissatisfactions may arise leading to conflicts. Independence gives teams some sense of autonomy. The teams will be in a position to come up with work timetables suitable to them so that the members work at convenient times. Such flexible schedules are right for the minds of the team members because they feel less controlled, and they work when only ready. The performance of the workers will, therefore, be better because they will be mentally and physically prepared for working. (Bezrukova, Thatcher, Jehn, & Spell, 2012) Independence in the teams helps eliminate the barriers that

Thursday, September 26, 2019

DQ1 SWOT Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

DQ1 SWOT Analysis - Assignment Example A second strength of talent management is that it can help enhance the skills and capabilities of the employees. Companies that have solid talent management plans tend to have higher employee retention rates. Using talent management can also enhance the human capital of a firm. The human capital of a firm is its most valuable asset (Investopedia, 2013). A weakness of talent management is that is costs money to implement an adequate talent management plan. Companies spend money on training and development, seminars, and educational opportunities to effectively implement an adequate talent management plan. If a company is not able to identify the skills gap of the workforce the training initiatives of the firm can become ineffective. An opportunity associated with talent management is the ability to identify the potential of young talented employees. Another opportunity of talent management is that it helps foster a strong corporate culture. A strong corporate culture enhances the productivity of a firm. A threat of talent management is that companies may spend money and resources developing talent to have those employees leave the company for the competition. A second threat of the implementation of a talent management is potential for interpersonal conflict. A talent management plan can create internal competition between the staff. Sullivan, J. (2004). Talent Management Defined: Is It a Buzzword or a Major Breakthrough? Retrieved March 8, 2013 from

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Finance Effects Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Finance Effects Economy - Essay Example A finance student studies a bachelor degree in business administration with a major in finance. The purpose of this paper is to discuss and describe the history of finance, how it affects the economy, and areas of specialization in finance. The field of finance as we know it today began in the 1950’s. When finance education started it was often part of the curriculum of economics or a part of business administration. Today the focus of the finance major is integrated as part of a business administration education. The majority of undergraduate finance degrees in the U.S. are part of a business curriculum, but at the graduate level finance is often taught based on the economic approach (Miller). One of the primary focuses of a finance education is to teach students how to make better decisions. Finance professionals are supposed to be able to maximize shareholders wealth (Besley & Brigham). The finance field is often referred to as the cousin of accounting due to the fact that a lot of the concepts and data used in finance come from accounting information. Many small companies integrate the accounting and finance departments. Two extremely important financial concepts in finance, risk and return, were first introduced to the general public by Harry Markowitz in 1952 in his publication Portfolio Selection published in the Journal of Finance. The work finance people perform in an organization is very important. For instance once the accountant completes the accounting cycle and prepares the financial statements the finance people can analyze the information to determine the financial performance of the company. The four major financial statements are the income statement, balance sheet, statement of retained earnings, and statement of cash flow. The income statement measures the profitability of a company, while the balance sheet illustrates the financial condition of a company at a specific point in time. The statement of cash flow is composed of three sec tions: operating, financing, and investments. The financial statements for the entire fiscal year are included within the contents of the annual report. Public companies also release quarterly financial statements to comply with the regulations of the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC). Three financial analysis the can be used to analyze the financial statements are ratio analysis, vertical analysis, and horizontal analysis. Ratio analysis is a tool that is often used by finance professionals. The five categories of ratio analysis are liquidity, solvency, profitability, activity, and coverage ratios (AccountingExplained). Horizontal analysis can be used to compare the different items or elements of the financial statements against the performance of the previous accounting period. The objective of vertical analysis is to report each amount or item in the financial statement as a percentage of another item. When performing vertical analysis on an income statement all the items of the statement are typically compared against the sales total of the company. The discipline of finance can also be used for other analytical purposes. Financial managers often have to evaluate the firm’s valuation and the valuation of other companies that the firm might invest in. A financial model to evaluate the risk of a

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Why did the United States fail to sign the Treaty of Versailles Research Paper

Why did the United States fail to sign the Treaty of Versailles - Research Paper Example In fact, he worked a lot for that to happen but the end result did not turn out as he had wished. The United States did not sign the treaty because Wilson did not have the vote of all the Senate members. Wilson required constitutionally mandated two-thirds vote for ratification which he did not get. Henry Cabot Lodge and Alfred Beveridge were highly against the treaty. Lodge was a Republican and the Senate majority leader and Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, thus holding a lot of power and responsibility. The failure of the United States to ratify the Treaty of Versailles and, eventually, join the League of Nations is a story of conflict. However, no matter where the focus is on – personalities, political parties and branches of government, or ideas and institutions, Wilson certainly did lie at the crux. It was his overweening confidence in the view that he held of the world that he dealt with which formed the basis of the defeat of the very tool that he had devise d in order to secure the world of future wars. Clemenceau once said bitterly: â€Å"Talk with Wilson! How can I talk to a fellow who thinks himself the first man in two thousand years to know anything about peace on earth?† and â€Å"I get on with you. You are practical.... Wilson was a visionary reared with a strong moral background. While others wanted to punish Germany, Wilson wished to get rid of the old system and come up with a new world order which would not treat Germany like a defeated enemy; instead he wanted to her to be like others, a partner of the new system he had envisioned. On the other hand, Clemenceau did not wish to end the old system but rather to make it stronger to build peace, and this meant that the conquerors would divide the spoils to come up with a reimbursement as satisfactory as possible to their respective nation’s requirements. History has paid substantial attention on the personal enmity that existed between Wilson and Lodge, and, from the consequences that we have seen it is clear that there was, in fact, a lot of political animosity between them4. It should also be considered, however, that they had opposite views regarding the issues of the day and thus their political behavior showed varied opinions. From the way Lodge was repudiating the President it seemed that it was his behavior rather than genuine ideological opposition. Instead of coming up with actual and meaningful debate that would list the reasons why the treaty should not be signed, Lodge kept delaying action by reading – word-for-word – the language of the Treaty5 6. Therefore, what it resulted in was just endless criticism that took about six weeks of public hearing. For the Senate Foreign Relation Committee he chose those senators whom he thought would go against the treaty. After the committee had reported the Treaty to the full Senate they did so after burdening it with corrections which Lodge had said were necessary to adopt and

Monday, September 23, 2019

Experiences of Schizophrenia Counseling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Experiences of Schizophrenia Counseling - Essay Example One of the greatest rewards in working with those who have schizophrenia is mentoring those who are feeling like they have hit rock bottom then climbed the ladder to emotional stability and happiness. That is when they know that have achieved success by regularly attending group therapy sessions, practiced exercises they have been taught and made progress day by day. Some challenges I face are that some of the patients are inconsolable and have thoughts of suicide. This is where I believe that family therapy is also helpful because they need as much support as they can receive. This of course is supplemental to the drug therapy which is the backbone of treatment. The behavioral and family therapies are a means of supplementing drug therapy to help re-integrate schizophrenic individuals into society through the development of social skills. By re- integrating the individuals back into society, the probability that the patients adhere to their drug therapies increases. I believe this i s crucial for them to live a normal life.

Sunday, September 22, 2019


AN INVESTIGATION OF IT INVESTMENTS IN SMALL AND MEDIUM SIZED ENTERPRISES - Essay Example The primary research will include a short survey which will contain basic questions on the use and adoption of IT in the business. An area of the UK will be chosen for this survey, preferably an area where the author resides to reduce the costs associated with travel and to increase survey response. No personal information will be made public and participants will be notified of this. The author will use online and library resources to obtain a list of SMEs in the selected area. As a result of the methodology, the research will largely be descriptive as it will be collecting information from surveys (Creswell 2003). The research will also be explanatory because the author will attempt to provide an explanation between IT investment and productivity in SMEs (Creswell 2003). This also means that the research will be largely qualitative. Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are considered to benefit the economies they serve, as they create employment and attract investment into certain areas. However, due to their size they are not able to always access and enjoy the advantages of much larger companies. For instance, large enterprises often have direct access to international and local capital markets, as they can afford the transaction costs (Enterprise Development Agency 1998). This suggests that SMEs are confined to regional markets which does not fully maximise their potential. Larger enterprises are also able to market their products and services across national boundaries whereas SMEs will be restricted to national and/or regional boundaries (Enterprise Development Agency 1998). If one considers the characteristics of SMEs, one will find that most of these enterprises are relatively small and have high operational costs which may prevent them from expanding into larger, more successful enterprises. Howeve r, there have been concerns that SMEs may not expand at a favourable rate due to their lack

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Anaylsis of gambling industry Essay Example for Free

Anaylsis of gambling industry Essay Introduction A service is the result of applying human or mechanical efforts to people or objects. Services are intangible products involving a deed, a performance or an effort which cannot be physically possessed (s dibb, 1994). Within this report their will be a number of topics discussed including the marketing mix, the effects of gambling and the ongoing conflict between services and product. These topics will be referred to the specific service which is the gala casino in Edinburgh. Methodology. In the UK there are many different gambling bodies, such as Gala, William Hill and Betfred. The gambling industry is one of the most successful services in the Britain.. Gala casinos are owned by the Gala Group who in 2005 merged with another European gambling business Coral Eurobet to create Europes largest integrated betting group. At present, Gala employs over 17000 people and generates over ? 400 million per annum, serving over 2 million customers (Gala Group, 2005). The casino that this report will focus on will be the Maybury Casino in Edinburgh, which is owned by Gala. Despite it being a large city, there are only two casinos in Edinburgh, the Maybury being the bigger and more successful, rather than the William Hill casino closer to the centre of town. The casino has a high quality restaurant which is used all year round. Unlike some casinos, the Maybury has all the major casino tables, such as craps, roulette, blackjack and various types of poker. It has also has two function rooms mainly used for poker tournaments or mah-jong tables. Main body Marketing mix The marketing mix is key when developing any business whether it is a product based company or a service provider. The marketing mix is a very simple tool yet effect is basically a step to step guide on how to market the product(foxall, 1999). The following are the main marketing mix elements which refer to all business however in some cases a further 3 of physical evidence, people and process, all of these ingredients mask a major role of the retailer which is to select and acquire goods in order to sell their product (d Gilbert, 1999) Place For many different services the location of a business is a powerful marketing tool by itself( d Carson, 1991) . For example: the Waverley Hotel on Princes Street is on one of the busiest streets in the country and is therefore almost guaranteed to make a profit. Although this is not really the case for the Maybury Casino, it is still in a good position. It is situated in Corstorphine which is just out of the centre of Edinburgh. Despite this distance from the busy city centre, its location does allow for increased space. Most customers would want a casino closer to the centre of Edinburgh, but this would almost certainly mean that the venue would be smaller, with higher costs for the customer and the business. Having the business out of town allows for more space which in turn means the company can offer a better service to the customers. The other advantage of this location is that it is situated next to the main road into Edinburgh from Fife, going through Haymarket. This allows passers by to see the establishment. The benefit to having this out of town location is access: it is very simple to travel to the casino as Edinburgh has an award winning bus service with more than two buses running 24 hours a day that go past the casino. Price is one of the most difficult aspects of the marketing mix to tackle. Companies can do many things with promotion and can offer great products, but when it comes down to it, the cost of this is all that the vast majority of customers are interested in(j lee, 2002) Price is tricky when it comes to gambling, as it is an entertainment industry solely based on money. All casinos are always going to cost money when it comes to betting on tables, so there is nothing any one particular company can do differently, as it is generally up to the customer how much they spend. However, there are other aspects that are important in this industry, the main one being the membership price. The Maybury Casino does not charge a membership fee ? this is quite rare for most casinos. This is an enormous marketing tool in itself, as the amount of gamblers and money spent on gambling is increasing. Therefore, if it is free to play then this will entice gamblers even more, and at the end of the day free is free. Another aspect of price is the poker room. This room is used for weekly poker tournaments, which is something that a lot of casinos do. However the Gala Casino differs from others: poker is one of the fastest growing pastimes, which has encouraged Gala to offer poker tournaments every day of the week with different price levels. Having all these different price levels can encourage a larger range of customers, allowing those with less money to not miss out. One of the best reasons for the lower priced tournaments is the large amount of students this attracts. Students generally have less money than most members of the public, and as poker is becoming increasingly popular with younger people today, the casino is therefore an affordable place they can go with friends. The general misconception about casinos is that they are for older businessmen who enjoy an expensive lifestyle and are happy to have expensive food and drink prices, but this is not the case. The prices of the drinks in the casino are the same as most Edinburgh bars with similar ranges and well trained staff. The restaurant is of a high quality and not overpriced. Therefore, it cannot be said that the price of the establishment could be responsible for putting people off going to the Casino. Promotion in general is harder for a service rather than a product. This is especially the case when referring to casinos. The only way in which casinos tend to promote themselves is in the actual casino itself. Casinos cannot advertise in the same way that normal products can, due to legislations so they rely heavily on word of mouth. In some ways, promotion is actually very important to a service, (especially this type of service) as they are relying on their own performance to act as their promotion. Product This is the most important part of the marketing mix for a service, as this is all they have. In regards to a service this element is basically the result of the previous three elements of the marketing mix without this one they all fail. In all aspects of retail, whether it is in a service or providing a product, it is this that matters to the customer. It does not matter how they promote it or at what price they sell it at they will fail either way if the product is not up to standard. The three extra elements only really refer to services due to the intangible element of human behaviour, where quality and its control is off paramount importance(d Gilbert,1999 ) People are also vital in services as they are your promotion they do all the work. Again the service as a whole can be great but if it is not applied properly by the staff then this becomes irrelevant. They employees are the face of the service so they must look and act in the way that is suitable for the service such as in the bank clean and in a shirt and tie. Process is very similar to some of the other elements as this is the procedures that are undertaken in providing the service. Other elements of process are the information that is available about the service, if customers are not aware of the details of the service they are unlikely to take part. Physical evidence is reasonably self explanatory, it is the physical elements the tangible elements of the service for example in a hotel the cleanliness of the curtains would be an example of physical evidence. Effects of gambling on society Gambling is one service (unlike most) where it can be taboo in mainstream society to advertise or promote itself. There are many laws and regulations on gambling such as (Hanson, 2005). For casinos to make a profit and to attract customers they have to rely on peoples need for gambling. Many people feel that gambling is immoral and praying on the weakness of others and their lack of discipline; because of this many people feel that gambling should be abolished completely. However despite those people who do not agree with gambling, there are plenty of individuals who support it. Many people feel that it is their own choice to spend their own money, and the few who lack the discipline to control their gambling should not stop others who can. With the relatively recent boom of internet gambling, especially poker, gambling is becoming more and more of a hot topic with governments and groups throughout the world. Casinos should take advantage of this surge of interest in gambling in order to make a profit and keep it available to customers; however, they should also remember to do so without angering people. Difficulty of services compared to products Citizens of the Western world are living in increasingly service-based economies. Services are no longer a minor or superficial part of economies, but go to the heart of value creation within the economy. (Palmer 2004) What Palmer is suggesting here is that services are no longer viewed in the traditional way as an unproductive aspect of the economy, but are now the base of many economies. In spite of this it is still incredibly difficult to succeed in a service. In general it is much easier to sell a tangible product people can see, touch or taste before purchasing (c gronroos, 1978). Service providers must rely on the quality of their own performance with many variables that can scupper a good experience. This however can all depend on the economy of the country, i. e. providing a service in a country such as Portugal where many other nations go to vacation and for many parts of the country being a service provider is simpler such as bars in a busy tourist area. This is not so much the case in the more powerful countries such as the UK, U. S. A and France. These countries are very much consumer driven and succeeding as a service provider can be difficult in many ways due to the attitude of society in the 21st century. There are, like previously mentioned, so many variables which can effect a service provider and with most customers being viewed as fickle if the service in anyway is not more than their level of tolerance they will try bring this service down. There will always be a conflict between services and products and each has their day in certain societies. Conclusion The service provider chosen has pros and cons from many different topics. The difficulties that a casino like this faces will never change and it is not an attack on the way in which they are providing this service it is always going to be on the service itself and societys view of it. The service encounter was however more full of positive notes rather than negative. In order to get past people views on gambling, they have decided to divert all their efforts on how they provide this service and in this, there are few flaws. integral to the selling activity in all markets( dibb, 2001) They have utilised ever point of the marketing mix well and definitely to their advantage, providing the best service possible to customers. Their use of location is especially impressive, normally out of town locations can prove to be a stumbling block for many services but the casino has utilised it to their advantage and turned being an in-town location into the less popular of the two. The conflict between services and products is always going to be around. However services are growing and growing with 73% of the employees working in the UK are working in the service sector (ILO, 1999). To conclude, if services are to be performed in such a manner as the Gala casino then the service industry will continue to rise.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The characteristics between management and leadership

The characteristics between management and leadership This assignment is initially discussing about the characteristic difference between management and leadership, how their skills are engaged in an organisation including with their roles and responsibilities. Then the discussions follows to the main objectives of this assignment, those are (i) Identifying and evaluating the personal and professional skills which are required for a successful manager and evaluating how he/she meets the organisational or personal goals; importantly covering the key managerial/leadership skills such as time management, running meetings, making presentations, stress management, etc. (ii) Providing a range of suitable practical methods for developing or improving those skills (iii) Identifying preferred learning style by using an effective personal audit in order to develop managerial/leadership skills (iv) Developing a workable development plan in order to develop or improve those skills to become an effective manager according to SMART and SWOT analysis (v) Reviewing/monitoring process and feedback what I have undertaken in order to achieve those skills and finally (vi) Concluding how/what I have learned from my analysis and how I can use this similar approach for future development. 1.1 Manager The Manager plays a vital role in order to achieve and improve the productivity and organizational objectives. He/She is responsible for managing, planning, distributing and monitoring the work of their employees, achieving the effective utilization of the organization resources and brings the employees objectives along with the organization objectives. Good managers are born and not made. Managers are autocratic in nature, they do the right things to avoid risk and they formulate the policies/ systems to consistent manner; also they are rigid with their subordinates (Hollingsworth, 1999). Managers mainly rely on strategy, structure and systems (Watson, 1983). 1.2 Leader Leaders are those who involved in the process of setting a new direction or vision for their group to follow and motivating them by satisfying their basic need in order to achieve the common organization goal, it is the process of influencing the performance of the employee by respecting their freedom towards the group goals. Good leaders are made and not born. Leaders are democratic in nature, they do the things right and they wont formulate the policy they use to predict with set examples; also they like risks and flexible with the other group members (Hollingsworth, 1999). Leaders mainly rely on style, staff, skills and shared goals (Watson, 1983). 2.0 Outcome 1 Methods to improve Personal and Professional skills This part of the assignment mainly identifies and evaluates the importance of personal and professional skills which are required for a successful manager and how he/she meets the organisational or personal goals; importantly covering the key managerial skills such as time management, running meetings, making presentations, stress management, etc. In addition, it provides a range of suitable practical methods for developing or improving those skills. 2.1 Skills for successful manager and its importance The managers important role in any organization or workplace is that to manage the people/worker/subordinates in order to meet the organization objective or goal and also promote positive employee motivation and employee morale. The mangers activities are very complex and varied because they have to coordinate with all the organization resource such as human resource, material resource, financial resource and informational resource in order to achieve the overall organization goal (Pride, Hughes and Kapoor, 2008, P187). The role of the manger is very crucial as they have to deal or handle various people. Therefore, the successful manager must have the personal and professional skills which are very essential and listed in page-**; and utilize them in a proper way, so that they can perform their duties and activities efficiently. Personal skills are his/her own development skills in order to achieve his/her career goals in life and it can be continuously developed on day to day basis; For example, wants to become a manager. Professional skills are working environment skills in order to achieve organisation goals and it can be developed and utilized whenever the opportunity arises in the working environment; For example, becoming an effective manager. In practical, the effective manager must have and develop the both skills in order to achieve his/her goals as well as the organisation goals. To be an effective manager at all level of organisation (i.e lower, medium and top level), they need to possess combination of all the skills listed above. Among these skills, the first four are the very important skills to become a successful manager. This part of assignment evaluates how these skills are important and providing a range of best suitable methods for developing or improving these skills, which enables me to meet both organisational and own goals and objectives. 2.1a Evaluation and Methods to develop Time management Time management skill is one of the valuable assets for manager, and it helps how the valuable time is effectively utilized/ managed in order to meet the goals. As time costs money, it is lost and not recoverable if the time is wasted. Therefore successful manager must find every opportunity to save time in order to improve productivity/profit by analysing workload and understanding subordinates capability, controlling time wasting activities, etc. The key elements to the effective time saving/managing skills are listed below: Define the goals to meet the deadline Budget the man-hour or cost Plan and schedule the workload Provide marginal budget for unforeseen workload or changes Prioritize and organise accordingly Distribute the workload to subordinates Review and track the planned task Use and maintain time management log for daily or weekly Control the wastage time and use effectively Guide/encourage the subordinate to improve production Above listed elements of time management skill can be achieved by set of workable practical methods such as procedures, policies, spreadsheets, checklists, etc. For example, Gantt chart for planning and scheduling, time log sheet for consumed budget hour and to estimate balance hour respective to task, Weekly progress report for reviewing/tracking the planned task, etc. As I want to become a manager, I need to develop or improve time management skill. Though majority of this skill and key elements can be developed while working as manager, I have developed lots of key elements of time managing skill while studying this course, in order to achieve the course outcome. For example, time log sheet enabled me to maintain and review how I am spending daily hours (see appendix-**), Gantt chart for assignment work (see appendix-**), etc. 2.1b Running meeting Organising meeting skill is one of the vital skills for the manager, and it helps to get collective decision-making, better focused discussion, to improve the productivity, to motivate the employee, etc to build an effective organisation. Importantly it is a best place to communicate the management/project objectives to team-worker or other discipline employee, to reward the performer, etc (Pocket, 2006, P47-69). The key elements for the effective running meeting skills are listed below: Defining the purpose of meetings Prepare agenda (meeting time, place, chairperson, attendees) Circulate agenda and Invite the participants in advance Welcome the participants with refreshments Clear and focused discussion by using visual aids Encourage group discussion Take notes for agreed outcomes/ actions/ responsibilities Review past meeting outcomes Control and avoid repeated discussion Encourage feedback/idea and questionnaire session Prepare minutes of meeting and circulate Therefore above mentioned components of meeting running skill can be achieved by set of workable practical methods such as procedures, agenda, minutes of meeting, forum, meeting templates, spreadsheets, etc. Though the key elements of this skill can be developed when the opportunity arises probably while working as manager, I have developed lots of key elements of running meeting skill while studying Strategic management course in order to achieve the group task as a chair person for SILVER SPOON group. For example, agenda sheet enabled me to invite participants and define the meeting perspective, venue and time (see appendix-**) and Minutes of meeting enabled to confirm the action plan to group member (see appendix-**), etc. 2.1c Making presentation Presentation skill is one of the important skills for a successful manager in many aspects of their work, and to communicate efficiently in a group of audience. The most important factors to consider in presentations are audience attitudes, actions, needs and responsibilities throughout the presentation. This enables the audience or subordinates in many ways such as time saving or effort, make money, help to take advantage of opportunities, make them more popular and famous, and increase their curiosity and enjoyment (Suzy, 2008, P6-10). The great presentation is a process and combination of the following key elements: Think and research on the topic before presentation Organize the content with introduction, body and conclusion Attract the audience by eye contact, posture, movement, gesture, etc Interact the audience to think, not only listen Deliver the presentation with confidence Use visual aids effectively Overcome presentation nerves and avoid vague language Effective communication skill by oral/written/drawing Keep it short and simple (KISS) Capability of answering the audience questions Therefore above mentioned key elements of presentation can be achieved by set of workable practical methods such as Power-point slides, handouts, seminars, etc. As manager gives presentation in various groups meeting with subordinates/supervisor/ clients, using techniques should be graspable/ understandable by audience. Actually these above mentioned key elements can be developed while working or when the opportunity arises. Though I have gained bit of presentation skill in Strategic management course when presenting SIVLER SPOON group task, I must need to develop this skill, where I have lot of scopes to improve. 2.1d Stress management Stress is one of the persons reactions of the body and mind to change. It is very important for everyone to manage and control the stress, to become healthier and happier. Effected stress produces physiological, psychological, stress related issues on him/her. Manager has high chances of developing stress due to various demands such as task demands, Role demands, Interpersonal demands and Organisational structure. Though it can not be fully avoidable, but it can be manageable by using effective stress management skill (Robbins and Decenzo, 2008, P206). Overstress resulting to decrease the productivity, decrease profit, leading to mistake, etc. Therefore, it is mandatory for manager to have stress management skill in order to avoid stress related problems; that is control or manage the stress by using time management, running meeting, making presentation skills. The stress management skill is the combination of following key elements (Cartwright and Cooper, 1997, P416): Recognise, anticipate, monitor and regulate stressors Redesign the task or work environment Establish flexible work schedules Encourage participative management Include employees in career development Build a good and supportive team Establish fair employment policies Find alternative routes/solutions Actually this is the follow-up skill of Time management, Running meeting and Making presentation. So, the above mentioned key elements of stress management skill can be achieved by using same set of workable practical methods, which used in others. Actually these above mentioned key elements can be developed while working as manager. So I am looking chance for developing this skill. I also feel that, with remarkable development of other managerial/leadership key skills, I can easily develop the stress management skill. Outcome 2 Personal skills audit 3.1 Preferred learning style As I want to become a more effective manager, I need to learn several skills which are listed in page-**. This part of assignment examines my learning style by undertaking personal skill audit, which helped me to identify my current possessing skills, knowledge, abilities, values and preferred learning style along with my strengths and weaknesses in order to achieve my effective manager goal. Appendix-** illustrates the Learning style questionnaire (LSQ) with my answer, and its result proves shows that my preferred learning style is PRAGMATIST. 3.2 Strengths and weaknesses As I am PRAGMATIST, my learning style strengths and weaknesses are listed below: Strengths: Tries to put own ideas, theories and techniques into workplace Innovative and experimental Analyse and evaluate with various options Set targets, and tries to achieve them Works well independently Weaknesses: Acts without caution end up with negative outcome Task oriented rather than people oriented Undervalues personal feelings Is impatient and needs full control Likes to work independently Referenced from Week-1 hand outs and (Honey and Mumford, 1992) 3.3 How it affects my skills development As I audited and analysed my strengths and weaknesses of my learning style, below discussion reveals that how it will affect and how to overcome in order develop the four key skills for an effective manager. For example, Time management: As I am pragmatist, my planning/target may fail due to without taking any caution or overriding the task to others or effectively not using the source, which clearly affect my performance. However as strength I set/try to achieve the target with ideas, techniques and options, so I try to plan the task with right person/man-hour. Also assigning right task to right person and monitoring frequently enables to track and avoid last minute problems. Stress management: As I am pragmatist, giving more importance to the task rather than people or their feelings, may results to generate huge stress due to poor quality/inefficient project outcome. However as strength I take opportunity to experiment and evaluate with various options, so I try to encourage/educate the subordinates in order to meet the task. Further more, frequently reviewing the task progress and rewarding person enables to avoid workplace stress. Outcome 3 Personal development plan 4.1 SMART analysis Objectives and goals are widely used in planning and design. It is a composite statement of the end target, to be attained within the specified time and schedule. SMART is one of the key methods to create an effective objective or goal. So, the SMART objectives are: Specific : Objectives should be well defined and clearly state that what is to be achieved Measurable : Objectives needs to be quantifiable in order to measure or monitor the goal process and confirm whether it is in favourable condition. Performance could be quantitative and qualitative measure that allows us to make changes if anything goes wrong during the process and stay on track to meet the targets Achievable : Objective is within the capability and ability to reach the most desirable target. Also it must be realistic and appropriate for the business or activity Relevant : Objective should be specific and must relate to the short or long term business target Time defined : The end result should be accomplished with in the targeted deadline (Mike, 2008, P**) 4.2 SWOT analysis SWOT analysis is one of the powerful tools to analyse the personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This process enables to improve the strength, overcome/minimise the weakness/gaps as well as taking the greatest opportunities that are available. Appendix-** explores my SWOT analysis for my personal development and it is in Edexcel level 7 format. 4.3 Personal development plan (PDP) Planning is a logical component of the management process. PDP is an ongoing process throughout our life, which helps to manage/develop any individual skills through the process of self learning, reflection and structure on how to achieve their target/goal. In order to become a successful manager, I must have to plan and define the effective objective by using SMART analysis in order to accomplish the target within the scheduled time. Also I have to assess/examine my strengths and weakness by SWOT analysis in order to develop 4 managerial key skills listed in Outcome 1. From outcome-2, I established my learning style is PRAGMATIST using personal skills audit with my learning strengths and weaknesses. As I have analysed myself thoroughly, my PDP for achieving 4 effective managerial key skills are explored in the appendix-**. In that exploring process, my PDP mainly intended to help the following: Improve my personal and professional managerial skill Identify and develop my transferable skill Focus my thinking and plan forward and set realistic targets Articulate my personal goal and objective Evaluate progress towards the achievement Conclusion This assignment work helped me to understand the personal/professional skills for an effective manager and its importance, analyse suitable workable methods for developing these skills, identifying my learning skills with learning strengths and weaknesses, developing a personal development plan by SMART and SWOT analysis, Monitoring and feedback undertaken, etc. Especially, I gained thorough understanding of 4 Key skills in addition to other skills for an effective manager. From this overall task, I have developed a skill that how to set the target, analysing pros and cons, prepare a planning/route and schedule (viable and time), budgeting, analysing strength and weakness, monitoring and reflecting, scope for efficiency/improvisation, and finally meet the target. By using this PDP and methods, it could be very grateful to succeed in my academic career and also it helps me to efficiently utilize these skills in my future employment in order to make a successful and imaginative organis ation. Conclusion Professional development is very important for every professional, irrespective of their employment. It plays a vital role in order to step up their career ladder. For every business and organization, this advanced professional development program boost up their employees personal and professional managerial/leadership skills and knowledge in order to achieve their business objective and improve the productivity. If the managements are lack in those skills and knowledge then they wont be resisting in the Industrial market. The objectives of this assignment are mainly focused on how to improve the managerial/leadership skills including time management, running meetings, making presentation and stress management and these are very important skills for managers/leaders. This assignment works on to identify and evaluate the strategy or method for developing the personal and professional managerial /leadership skills as listed above. Also this covers the learning strategies and styles whi ch will be very useful for me to build my positive skills and to overcome my weaknesses in order to improve my skills and knowledge. By using this development plan and method, it could be very grateful to succeed at my university and also it helps me to utilize these skills in my future employment in order to make an effective and imaginative organization. foster (Word Count: 200) Appendices Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Bibliography using Harvard Referencing System Textbook Reference: Web Reference Personal / Professional skills Why it is necessary Time management It is cost effective and non recoverable Helps to plan, prioritize, organise, schedule and budget the work Organising meeting It is vital to get the solution from group or to improve the productivity or to motivate the employee Helps to discuss/convey the message among the group such as work plan, progress, new awards, etc Presentation To convey key points or improve delivery style Effective visual aid Stress management To analyse and reduce stress developed in job/ life To improve or control physical/emotional situation Self-awareness and self-management Effective communication To communicate clearly and correctly by written or oral or sketch, etc Map out the ideas/objective thinking in a proper way Problem solving and Decision making To provide/decide best or lesson learnt solution, when the problem arises in workplace or subordinate Performance management To conduct appraisals and guide subordinates for their career development Maintain a performance record of subordinate for easy access and feedback Recognise and encourage the top performers Team development Motivation To motivate/encourage the team towards project/organisation goal by monitoring progress Observing skill To listen/observe what is happening in the group Thoroughly understanding the situation and problem Well as I begin I would like to remember you one point that no one can withstand in the market of an organization when the people lack certain skills and knowledge. In order to ensure for proper skills and knowledge a proper idea about the development of their skills are briefed in this report. Keeping in mind, the four skills developed in this report were time management, stress management, running meeting, and group discussion. Not only the skills but also the learning styles were discussed. What are the techniques and objectives to meet the desired characteristics? How to improve the management skills for the effective leadership? The main concept of learning is mentioned clearly in this report which may be useful in the future requirements for an organization to be effective and imaginative.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Debate Over Video Game Violence Essay -- Violent Video Games

Controversy surrounds almost every topic and has been around for centuries. Controversial topics usually involve different types of people that have two opposite points of view about a certain topic or idea. The widespread expansion of technology has allowed people all over the world to debate certain topics that they deem to have a correct understanding of. Unsurprisingly, the effect of video games on the human brain has been a controversy since video games were first released decades ago. Video games involve the use of body and mind, which causes the player to be "inside" of the game, and they can see the world through the eyes of the character of which they play. Some psychologists and other scientists suggest that violent video games can cause psychological disorders which can cause players to engage in violent behavior in real life. On the other hand, there have also been studies conducted that suggest violence in video games does not affect the brain in that kind of way. Peop le from both sides of the viewpoint bring up good arguments that support their claim and really brings into question our understanding of video games and the impact they have on our brains. These scientists have conducted experiments over the last couple decades but still don't have an answer to what the underlying cause of children and young adults to be violent in real life as a result of playing violent video games, or if it does at all. Unfortunately, many of the people viewing this subject point the finger at others to see who is responsible for getting the children into violent video games. Some may blame the manufacturers for targetting children with their advertising of violent video games, and others may blame the parents for purchasing the... ...mes+influence+aggressive+behaviour+kids+expert+warns/9812114/story.html>. Lejacq, Yannick. "'Call of Duty' maker gears up against 'violent video games' bill." NBCnews. NBC, 11 Sept. 2013. Web. 11 May 2014.. Rettner, Rachael. "Do Video Games Boost Aggression? Study adds fire to debate." Fox News. Fox, 25 Mar. 2014. Web. 11 May 2014. . "S. 134: Violent Content Research Act of 2013." 113th Congress. N.p.: n.p., 2013. GovTrack. Web. 11 May 2014.. Tobias, Greitemeyer, and Mugger Dirk. "Video Games Do Affect Social Outcomes." Sage Journals: n. pag. Sagepub. Web. 11 May 2014. .

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Lyndon Johnson and the Tonkin Gulf Resolution Essay -- History Histori

Lyndon Johnson and the Tonkin Gulf Resolution The official rhetoric of Lyndon Johnson’s administration portrayed the Gulf of Tonkin incident as an unprovoked and malicious attack on U.S. ships by the armed forces of North Vietnam, as a result of which the President needed the power to deal militarily with the North Vietnamese. The Gulf of Tonkin incident explicitly encompasses military actions on August 2, and alleged actions on August 4, 1964, between North Vietnamese torpedo patrol boats and United States destroyers and aircraft off the coast of North Vietnam. President Johnson and many top administration officials declared that the United States was innocent of any aggressive offensive maneuvers against the North Vietnamese, and that the attack on two U.S. destroyers was an unexpected slap in the face. In reality, however, the opposite of the administration’s claims was true. Through a period of years, and especially throughout the nine months prior to the incident in the Gulf of Tonkin, there was thick and constant U.S. involvement with the South Vietnamese, who conducted many joint offensive operations against North Vietnam. This paper will show just how intensely the United States was involved in covert military action against North Vietnam in the ninemonth period (Lyndon Johnson’s first nine months as President) leading up to the Gulf of Tonkin incident. Further, it will demonstrate that the second alleged attack (August 4) by the North Vietnamese in the Gulf of Tonkin never occurred, but was fictionalized by the Johnson administration in order to ask Congress to give the President the authority to conduct overt military operations against North Vietnam. The idea for the Tonkin Gulf Resoluti... ...Secret Side of the Tonkin Gulf Incident, â€Å"Naval History, August 1999,† Annapolis MD: U.S. Naval Institute, 2002, (5 December 2002). 8 The Secret Side of the Tonkin Gulf Incident. 9 Gibbons, U.S. Government and the Vietnam War, 2. 10 Ibid., 3. 11 Ibid., 5, 6. 12 Ibid., 5. 13 National Security Action Memorandum No. 280, Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum-National Archives and Records Administration, (5 December 2002). 14 Ibid. 15 Gibbons, U.S. Government and the Vietnam War, 6. 16 Ibid., 6. 17 Ibid., 6. Emphasis mine. 18 George C. Herring, The Pentagon Papers-Abridged Edition (New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1993), 94. 19 Gibbons, U.S. Government and the Vietnam War, 2.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Study of Southwest Airlines Essay -- Business Management Studies SWOT

Study of Southwest Airlines 1. What three things impress you most about this company? One thing that really impressed me about Southwest was their ability to maintain high profits and maintain a high customer base even after the September 11 attacks and 2002 recession. Another impressive attribute is the fact that they can keep their prices very low and affordable to customers. The last thing that really impressed me about Southwest Airlines was their management system. Their motto that employees are equal to upper management seemed to me a risky approach, but for Southwest it was a very brilliant and profitable idea. 2. Do a SWOT analysis. (See Exhibit 1 for analysis) STRENGTH * Major profitable airline company since September 11, terror attack * Lower prices than competitors * Friendly service * Short air travel between two cities * Upside-down pyramid management system * Plenty of daily flights * Entertainment for passengers WEAKNESS * Only flies to 29 states * Cannot compete with larger airline companies * Does not utilize a hub system * No first class seating * Smaller seats compared to larger airline companies * Only uses Boeing 737 Airlines OPPORTUNITES * Slash Prices even more to eliminate competitors * Add first class compartment * Expansion into new geographic region * Add flights in areas where rivals were cutting back service * Expand airline fleet to fly longer distances * Add longer, non-stop flights THREATS * New entrants * Increased rivalry * FAA rules and regulations * Government Regulation * Land-based travel such as Amtrak and Greyhound * Other airline companies duplicating Southwest Airlines? strategy 3. What grade would you give Southwest management for the job it has done in crafting the company?s strategy? I would give Southwest management an A grade, for the reason that Southwest Airlines is described as an upside-down pyramid. The upper management is at the bottom and supports the front line employees, who are the experts. This is Herb Kelleher's unorthodox leadership style, in which management decisions are made by everyone in the organization, not just the head executives. The company is described as not having much of an emphasis on structure; instead, employees are encouraged to think freely without constrai... ...mselves and stress the quality of these frills (such as roomier seats). Others, through use of flight hubs, are the only ones who can economically serve remote customers. Another weakness of Southwest Airlines is its preference for Boeing 737s. Being limited to one type of airplane leaves them with little flexibility when the model receives a bad reputation or a critical flaw is discovered. Such would be a costly venture for this company, who has used only one type of airplane, and in the face of a dire situation would face a costly venture of finding replacements or counteracting bad publicity. A possible threat is that since Southwest Airlines' strategy has proven so effective, it will be duplicated by its competitors to a point where it would lose originality. This could result in competitors offering low rates to the areas covered by Southwest and beyond, making Southwest Airlines' range and limitations more obvious. It would be very possible in the near future where a big company, with its hubs (something Southwest does NOT have), would basically introduce Southwest Airlines' low-cost model to a wider market, encroaching and outdoing Southwest Airlines.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Drunk Driving

Persuasive Presentation Outline Example Driving While Intoxicated Topic: Local San Marcos Problem Organization: Problem/Solution Specific Purpose: I would like my audience to believe that an alcohol education class should be taken before one can receive his/her license Introduction I. Attention Getter: In the past decade, four times as many Americans have died in drunk driving accidents as killed in the Vietnam War (NHTSA, 2006). II. Relevance: How close have you come to losing your life as a result of an alcohol-related accident? III.Credibility: Recall story about my boyfriend receiving phone call that his brother, Jeremy, had been killed in a drunk driving accident. IV. Propositional Statement: Driving while intoxicated remains a problem in the United States and in the city of San Marcos. Because young people do not know enough about alcohol and its effects. I propose that a mandatory course in alcohol education be required before one can receive his/her driver’s license. B ody I. The first part of the problem is that we continue to drive while under the influence of alcohol.A. Drinking and driving is a problem on a national level. 1. 16,189 people were killed in alcohol related accidents in 2005. This is one death every 32 minutes (NHTSA, 2006). 2. Three in every five Americans will be involved in an alcohol-related crash at some time in his/her life (NHTSA, 2006). B. Drinking and driving is a problem on a local level. 1. San Marco police department reported 196 arrests in 2005 related to alcohol-related crimes. Of those arrests, 67 were driving while intoxicated. San Marcos Police Department, 2005). 2. 50% increase from arrests made in 2000 (San Marcos Police Department, 2005). Transition: Not only is drinking and driving a major problem, young people are often very uniformed of its effects.II. The second part of the problem is that young people do not know enough about alcohol and its dangerous effects and they received mixed messages about alcohol. A. Young people lace an awareness of alcohol’s severe effects. 1. In 2004, 2. million teenagers did not know that a person could die from an alcohol overdose (Dunning, 2005). 2. Young people believe myths, not facts. (Dunning, 2005). B. Young people receive mixed messages about alcohol and its effects. 1. Less than one in three parents of tenth grade students gave their children a clear â€Å"no-use† message about alcohol (MADD. 2004). 2. When parents â€Å"bargain† with youth, the youth are more likely to drive after drinking or be in a vehicle driven by someone who has been drinking (MADD

How can Village Volvo differentiate itself from Volvo dealers Essay

Assignment 1: Village Volvo Q-1: Describe Village Volvo’s Service Package Ans-1: Core Service Package: Quality Repair Service on Out of Warranty Volvos This Consist of Five Components: Supporting Facility Facilitating Goods Information Explicate Service Implicit Service Also Routine Service like Tune up and Oil Change†¦ Village Volvo has one Unique Feature that is: History of Work Information About Repaired Volvo History of Fault arise in Volvo Help Desk for Mechanics Beside the Core Service Village Volvo provide Additional Service Like: 1. Routine Service Customer Relationship Historical Trend Cost and Time Estimation Equipped Waiting Room Q-2: How are the Distinctive Characteristics of a Service Firm illustrated by Village Volvo? Ans-2: Village Volvo implemented Service package which make customer Convinced and Comfortable Generally in Service Operation Management there is one Rule: â€Å"If you are able to make customer your side your 50% job has to be done† In village Volvo there are main three distinctive things: Prepared by: Milan Padariya Page 1 Assignment 1: Village Volvo 1. Customer Comfort 2. Trust 3. Respect Village Volvo Provide good service with additional service. One other good service is Management Information System in Village Volvo†¦ Q-3: Characterize Village Volvo in Regard to the nature of the service act, the relationship with customers, customization and judgment, the nature of demand and supply, and method of service delivery. Ans-3: Following is the appropriate answer Nature of Service: Customer Participation Relationship: High Contact with Customer Customization and Judgment: Very High Nature of Demand and Supply: Pull Method of Service Delivery: Case Management Proactive intervention supportive service Q-4: How Could Village Volvo manages its back office (i.e. repair operation) like a factory. Ans-4: Village Volvo manages its back office by following ways: 1. Proper Spare Parts Management 2. Provide Next Service date and have a record with Village Volvo so, it will help for daily and weekly Planning. 3. Differentiate Emergency and Routine That is from Village Volvo†¦ As per my knowledge Village Volvo Should use some Quality Philosophy Like 5S of Quality Management 1st S: Sorting 2nd S: Set in Order Prepared by: Milan Padariya Page 2 Assignment 1: Village Volvo 3rd S: Shine 4th S: Standardize 5th S: Sustain There are more three S of Quality Management 6th S: Safety 7th S: Security 8th S: Satisfaction Q-5: How can Village Volvo differentiate itself from Volvo dealer? Ans-5: Village Volvo can differentiate itself from Volvo dealer from following ways: 1. Differentiation Through Service Excellence Integrated Virtual Call Centre Integrated Service Network Proactive offer sales service Customer Touch point Management Smart Service agent It is essential to ensure consistent customer Experience across touch point which reinforce your brand and sends the message to customer that you understand them well. OVERALL CONCLUSION: This is all about Service Operation Management (SOM). So, whatever ever Philosophy is for Service Operation Management which is related to Village Volvo like†¦ Dimension of Service Perceived Service Quality Expected Service Perceived Service Prepared by: Milan Padariya Page 3 Assignment 1: Village Volvo Mainly three dimensions considered in Service Operation Management†¦ 1. ESPS: Expectation no met: Unsatisfactory: Customer not Happy I want to add one more thing: In Village Volvo there are two Possibilities: 1. ES

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Labor and Employment Law

It is the law, which provide legal right, restrictions and control on the workers working at the working place in the organization. The employment law was designed to protect the interest of the workers.Almost all the countries and International Labor Organization prepared it to keep the labors in equal position with the society. It is prepared on the different aspects of labors such as their working place, minimum wage, working time, health and safety, workplace environment etc.Labor and Employment Law, 12th Edition was wrote by the famous labor arbitrator containing chapters on pay equity and age discrimination, disability discrimination ad worker’s compensation laws ad employee privacy.The National Labor Relation Board is designed to provide right to the private sector employees to form their labor union and bargain collectively over wages, hours and working conditions.The NRLB also provide right to an employer to voluntarily recognize a union when card is presented with th e sign of majority of the employees. The employer is authorized to enter into card check agreement with union before collection of signatures. It is mandatory required on the part of employer to assemble signatures from more than majority of bargaining unit employees.The third party may check the authorization cards to judge the limits of the members as provided I the NRLA act. The Board may order to an employer to bargain with union, even when the  Ã‚   union lost secret ballot election.Therefore, from the above points it is clear that card check agreement is replacing the ballot election because it is more economical, more transparent etc. because conduction of secret ballot election is more private affair and confidential and   create more pressure o the employees. I the nutshell, card check recognition may reduce earning inequality, whereas mandatory secret ballot elections may increase it.Reference:Referred to sites: Em ployment law Labor union recognition procedures: use of secret ballots and cards checks.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Brinkley’s a Survey of Us History Chapter 29: the Cold War Essay

1) Origins of the Cold War a) Sources of Soviet-American Tensions i) Rivalry emerged b/c of different visions of postwar world * US foresaw world where nations got rid of traditional beliefs, such as military alliances, and used an international organization which would resolve disputes * Soviet Union sought to control areas of strategic influence * Vaguely similar to traditional European balance of power * Churchill also envisioned this b) Wartime Diplomacy i) Tensions began in 1943 b/c of Allied refusal to open second front through invasion of France * at Tehran Conference, Roosevelt and Stalin formed good relationship * Stalin agreed to help US in Pacific once war with Germany was over in exchange for the opening of the second front in France * But, dispute over governance of Poland showed signs of future disagreements being clearly visible * Roosevelt and Churchill were willing to give Soviet Union some of Poland, but wanted the Polish govt in exile in GB to take control again * Stalin wanted pro communist govt to take control c) Yalta i) Meeting of Big Three at Yalta in 1945 * In turn for Stalin’s promise to help the US out in the Pacific, Roosevelt promised Stalin land back that was lost in the Russo Japanese War * Also led to plan to create United Nations * General Assembly and Security Council * Every member was recognized in the General Assembly * In Security Counsel, there were 5 permanent representatives (USA, GB, France, Soviet Union, China), each of which would have veto power ii) There was also a lot of disagreement * One was over future of Polish govt (independent and democratic vs. Communist) * Stalin eventually agreed to allowing an unspecified number of democratic Poles into the govt and consented to hold â€Å"free and unfettered elections† on an unspecified future date * Elections did not take place for more than 40 years * Another was over the future of Germany * US wanted a reconstructed and reunited Germany * Stalin wanted heavy reparations and to ensure a permanent dismemberment of the nation * finally agreed to commission and each Ally given German â€Å"zone† * decision on reparations would be decided at a future commission * and at an unspecified date, Germany would be reunited (but there was no agreement on how the reunification would occur * as for the future of the rest of Europe, the conference produced a murky accord that the establishments of govt’s â€Å"broadly representative of all democratic elements† and â€Å"responsible to the will of the people† * Soviet interpretations of the accords differed sharply from those of the Anglo-American interpretation * In the weeks following, Roosevelt watched with growing alarm as the Soviets raised pro communist govts all over central and eastern Europe and refused to make the changes to Poland as he promised 2) The Collapse of the Peace a) The Failure of Potsdam i) After Roosevelt’s death in April 1945, new Pres Truman decided US needed to â€Å"Get Tough† w Soviets to honor Yalta accords * Truman had little leverage to compel the Soviet Union to listen to him, therefore he was forced to settle with little ii) Potsdam Conference in July ended w/ Stalin receiving increased land w/ new Polish-German border * US refused to allow German reparations from other Allies’ zones to go to Soviets but US recognized new communist Polish govt under Soviet influence * Allied zones would unite as one country (West Germany) and be separate from Soviet’s part of Germany (East Germany) b) The China Problem i) US had vision of open world â€Å"policed† by major powers * But vision troubled by unpopular and corrupt Chinese govt under Chiang Kai-shek (supported by US aid during civil war) who battled communists under Mao Zedong * By 1945, communist controlled  ¼ of the population * Because US didn’t want to support communists, they were forced to support Chiang ii) B/c Kai-shek govt sure to collapse, US sought to create new, Pro-West Japan by encouraging industrial development, lift trade restrictions * Vision of open, united world was giving way to an acceptance of a divided world with a strong, pro American sphere of influence c) The Containment Doctrine i) US no longer sought â€Å"open† world but rather set out to â€Å"contain† Soviet expansion * As Stalin tried to win control over the vital sea routed in the Mediterranean (Turkey), communist forces threatened to overthrow govt in Greece * new Truman Doctrine sought aid for those forces ($400 million) in Turkey and Greece opposing take-over of Communist forces under Soviet influence * its basis was that the US should â€Å"support free people who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or outside pressure† * it worked, Soviet pressure taken off of Turkey and Greek govt regained control d) The Marshall Plan i) Sec of State George Marshall 1947 plan to provide aid to all Eur nations (for humanitarian reasons, to rebuild and ensure it could become self reliant again, to create markets for US goods, and to strengthen Pro-US govts against communists) * this included the Soviet Union, but was rejected by them and their Eastern satellites * was accepted by 16 Western European nations * April 1948, congress approved creation of the Economic Cooperation Administration to administer the Marshall Plan * channeled billions of $ to aid economic revival * by end of 1950, European industrial production had risen 64%, communist strength in member nations declined, and opportunities for US trade revived e) Mobilization at Home i) US maintained wartime military levels, established Atomic Energy Commission to continue nuclear research * Congress approved new military draft and revived the Selective Service System * Nuclear weaponry became central place in US arsenal * In 1950, Truman admin. Approved the development of the new hydrogen bomb * A nuclear weapon far more powerful than anything the US used in WWII ii) National Security Act of 1947 reshaped major military and diplomatic institutions * created Department of Defense to oversee and combine all armed services * created National Security Council (NSC) in White House was created * would govern foreign and military policy * created Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to collect information * As Cold War progressed, they also engaged secretly in political and military operations on behalf of American goals f) The Road to NATO i) Truman merged German â€Å"Western zones† into the West German republic * Stalin responded on June 24, 1948 by blockading Western Berlin * Truman, unwilling to risk war by militarily challenging the blockade, responded w/ airlift to re-supply inhabitants * In spring of 1949, Stalin lifted the now ineffective blockade * Federal Republic became govt of west Germany, Democratic Republic of east ii) To strengthen military position US and Western Eur nations in April 1949 created North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) as alliance to protect all members against threat of Soviet invasion (12 nations agreed to take part) * Attack against one would be attack against all * Countries would provide a standing military force in Europe in case of Soviet attack * Soviet Union and communists responded by in 1955 forming similar Warsaw Pact g) Reevaluating Cold War Policy i) 1949 saw Soviet Union explode first atomic weapon and collapse of Nationalists in China to Mao’s Communists ii) To reevaluate foreign policy, National Security Council released report NSC-68 saying that the US could no longer rely on other nations to take initiative in resisting communism * US should lead noncommunist world and oppose communist expansion everywhere it existed * Also called for US to expand military power dramatically * Defense budget was now 4 times the previously projected figure 3) American Society and Politics After the War a) The Problems of Reconversion i) After end of war Truman attempted to quickly return nation to normal economic conditions, but problems ensued ii) No economic collapse (many thought nation would go back into a depression) b/c of several things * increase in spending on consumer goods from savings gathered during war * a $6 billion govt tax cut * Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944 (GI Bill of Rights) * provided education + economic aid to returning soldiers that further increased spending iii) Problems because of spending lead to high inflation * Caused Truman to sign a bill similar to wartime Office of Price Admin. (OPA) * Inflation also caused union strikes in automobile, electrical, steel, railroad (shut down whole nation’s railroad line), and mining industries (led by John L. Lewis * Truman used military and govt power to stop the strikes (military on railroads, govt on mine workers) * displacement of some minorities and women b/c of returning soldiers to labor * 80% of them wanted to keep working * Postwar society in which many women had to provide for themselves created a high demand among them for paid work * Many went into service sector b) The Fair Deal Rejected i) After Jap surrender Truman proposed â€Å"Fair Deal† to enact liberal reforms * included raising minimum wage, enacting Fair Employment Practices Act, expanding Social Security, a program to ensure full employment through use of federal spending, public housing and slum clearance, govt protection of scientific research, and creating nation health insurance plan ii) Fair Deal opposed by Republican conservatives who gained majority in both Houses of Congress in 1946 elections * Repubs sought to reduce govt spending (get rid of New Deal programs) and economic controls, cut taxes for wealthy, refused to raise wages * Also refused to increase SS, provide more funds to education, or support power projects in West * As inflation soared, Republicans pretty much just told the public to deal with it (Sen. Robert Taft) iii) Repubs wanted to decrease powers unions gained in 1935 Wagner Act * passed Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947 (Taft-Hartley Act) * made â€Å"closed-shop† illegal (a workplace in which no one could be hired unless they were part of a union) * Although it stil permitted â€Å"union shops†, it allowed states to pass â€Å"right to work† laws which prohibited this * Outraged workers and union leaders denounced the measure as a â€Å"slave labor bill† * Truman vetoed it, but both houses easily overruled him * Did not destroy labor movement, but it damaged weaker unions in lightly organized industries * Made more difficult the organization of workers who had never been union members at all (women, minorities, most workers in the South) c)The Election of 1948 i) Truman sought to make re-election about reforms but electorate saw him as weak * Tried to pass reforms leading up to election but they were all struck down by Congress * Didn’t have much support within even his own party * Southern Dems (Dixiecrats) split off and formed the States Rights Party after they became angry with Truman over his proposed civil rights bill * Gov. Strom Thurmond was their Presidential nominee * Progressives also broke off and formed new Progressive Party with Henry A. Wallace as their candidate * Other Dems who didn’t break off attempted to dump Truman in 1948 * The Americans for Democratic Actions (ADA) attempted to persuade Dwight D. Eisenhower to contest the nomination, but he refused * Dems were forced to enter Truman as their nominee ii) Repubs nominated Thomas Dewey and seemed to be in strong position to win, but intense campaigning by Truman and his platform to reduce inflation, help common man, repeal Taft-Hartley Act, help farmers, and his strong civil rights support for blacks allowed him to win Pres * Dems also won both Houses of C d) The Fair Deal Revived i) New Dem Congress allowed for minimum wage increase, Social Security expansion, and housing (National Housing Act of 1949provided the construction of 810,000 homes for low income families) * but were hostile to Fair Deal programs expanding education aid, national healthcare, and civil rights * rejected civil rights bill that would have made lynching a federal crime, abolished the poll tax, and established a new Fair Employment Practices Commission (FEPC) ii) Truman did end govt hiring discrimination, desegregated armed forces * Supreme Court in Skelley v. Kraemer rules community â€Å"covenants† meant to bar blacks from residential neighborhoods were now unenforceable by courts e) The Nuclear Age i) Nuclear weapons viewed w/ fear b/c of threat from Soviet Union * expressed in pop culture, film noir (things such as The Twilight Zone, comic books about super heroes), and govt preparations for nuclear attack (air raid drills, emergency radio broadcast drills, fallout shelters) * but public also awed by technological potential of nuclear power (Dreams of prosperity and unlimited + cheap electricity) 4) The Korean War a) The Divided Peninsula i) Korea divided at 38th Parallel by US and Soviets into Communist North and Southern government of capitalist Syngman Rhee (supported by US) * north had a strong, Soviet equipped army * south had small one that only dealt with internal affairs ii) Nationalists in North invaded S in 1950 in effort to reunite countries * unknown if North asked for Stalin’s approval, but once it began, the Soviets certaintly supported them * on June 27, 1950, US won UN resolution calling for support of S. Korea armies * Russia unable to veto b/c boycotting Security Council at time for their refusal to allow communist China into Council * On June 30, 1950, US ordered their ground forces into Korea * Gen. Douglas MacArthur was to assume command over UN forces there * War was seen as †containment† effort but also as a â€Å"liberation† * After US beat North troops back into North Korea, Truman ordered to pursue the communists into their own territory * Wanted to create â€Å"a unified, independent and democratic Korea b) From Invasion to Stalemate i) Gen MacArthur (head of UN forces) able to advance far into North, but new communist Chinese govt feared American forces and therefore entered conflict in Nov 1950 * UN offensive stalled and then collapsed * Through Dec of 1950, outnumbered US forces fought a bitter, losing battle against the Chinese, constantly retreating ii) Within weeks, UN armies forced to retreat to 38th parallel * Eventually took back land lost and got back to 38th parallel once more * Long stalemate then ensued until 1953 iii) Truman wanted peace and not new world war w/ China * Gen MacArthur publicly opposed peace effort (Martin letter) and was relieved of command by Pres in April 1951 * He believed that we should have attacked China through either an invasion or bombing * He had wide popular support, therefore when he was relieved, there was wide public outrage * 69% of American people supported him c) Limited Mobilization i) War led to only limited economic mobilization, since it had little American military commitment. Govt still tried to control wartime economy in several ways * Truman created Office of Defense Mobilization to combat rising inflation and discourage high union wage demands * These failed * govt seized RRs and steel mills when workers walked off the job in union strikes * Costly strikes followed (especially in Steel Mills) and workers got most of what they wanted as there was little Truman could do and his actions were both rash and ineffective * The supreme court disallowed him from continuing to seize the steel mills because they said he was exceeding his authority * increased govt spending stimulated economy as many thought we were on the verge of a recession ii) Inability of US to quickly end â€Å"small† war led to growth of fears of growth of communist at home and triggered second major campaign against it * public was angry that so many lives were being lost (140,000 dead or wounded) 5) The Crusade Against Subversion a) HUAC and Alger Hiss i) Another â€Å"Red Scare† prompted by fear of Stalin and Communist growth (â€Å"loss† of China, Korean frustrations, Soviet development of the bomb) * many sought to blame US communist conspiracy ii) Anti Communist fervor merged from the Repubs seeking to use anticommunist feelings to win support against Dems, and Dems trying to stifle that issue * Congress created House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) in 1947 to investigate communist subversion * Created by the Repubs to prove that under Dem rule, the govt had tolerated communist subversion * Went after Hollywood first iii) Public more concerned with HUAC investigation into former State Dept official Alger Hiss in 1948 that revealed some complicity w/ communists * Were tipped by a former member of the communist party that was now working for the Time magazine * He had â€Å"microfilms† of the documents that were supposedly passed by Hiss to the Soviet Union in 1937 and 1938 * He could not be tried for espionage because crimes happen too long ago, but because of the efforts of Richard M. Nixon, he was convicted of perjury and served several years in prison * increased fear of communist infiltrations b) The Federal Loyalty Program and the Rosenberg Case i) Truman began 1947 program to determine â€Å"loyalty† of fed employees * this was partly because of Republican attacks, and partly to encourage support for the President’s foreign policy initiatives * President authorized sensitive agencies to fire people deemed â€Å"bad security risks† * By 1951,more than 2,000 govt employees had resigned under pressure and 212 had been dismissed * FBI monitored radicals (J. Edgar Hoover) * 1950 Congress passed McCarran Internal Security Act forcing communist groups to register w/ government ii) Explosion of atomic bomb by Soviets led to famous Rosenberg trial to find out how Russia had learned of technology so quickly * Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were a communist couple whom the govt claimed had been the masterminds of the conspiracy * Despite appeals and protests from sympathizers, they both died in the electric chair on June 19, 1953 * They both proclaimed their innocence to the end iii) HUAC, Rosenberg trial, â€Å"Loyalty† program, Hiss ordeal, McCarran Act, and international events all lead to national anticommunist hysteria at national, state, and local level * Schools, labor unions, universities, state and local govts, all sought to purge themselves of real or imagined subversives iv) A fear settled over the country of not only communist infiltration, but being suspected of communism yourself c) McCarthyism i) Rather unknown Wisconsin Rep. Sen Joseph McCarthy in 1951 began leveling charges of communist agents in State Dept and other agencies * He claimed to â€Å"hold in my hand† a list of 205 known communists currently working in the US State Department * Within weeks, he was also accusing other agencies * His new subcommittee was at the fore of anticommunist hysteria and partisan politics * He accused many people even though he had little solid evidence d) The Republican Revival i) Korean stalemate and fears of internal subversion led to Dem disappointments * Truman was very unpopular and therefore withdrew from the Presidential contest ii) Dems nominated Adlai Stevenson (viewed as liberal and Repubs saw him as being weak on Communism) * Repubs nominated popular Gen Dwight Eisenhower and VP Richard Nixon (became famous for his crusade against Hiss) * Eisenhower talked of Korean peace, Nixon of communist subversion * Nixon also attacked Democratic â€Å"appeasement†, â€Å"cowardice†, and â€Å"treason† * Both promised to â€Å"clean up the mess in Washington† iii) Eisenhower won election by huge margin & Republicans gained control of both Houses of Congress

Friday, September 13, 2019

Titanic disaster affect on JP Morgan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Titanic disaster affect on JP Morgan - Essay Example After participating in this major merger, he thereafter created the federal steel company by merging several steel corporations together in the year 1901. He further undertook some consolidations consolidating steel and wire companies to form the United States Steel Corporation. At the height of Morgan’s career, he and his partners had vast investments in both the financial and the corporate fields and were accused of their critics of controlling the nation’s high finance a criticism that he dispelled through a banking coalition in 1907. Despite such dispelled rumors, facts have it that Morgan was the lead financier of the Progressive era and his dedication and efficiency contributed in injecting transformations in the American businesses "J.P. Morgan, FDIC tangle over who will pay off WaMu liabilities."(2010). This is the man behind the Construction of the American owned vessel, the Titanic through financing the International Mercantile Marine Company (IMMC) and as the owner of the company. This company controlled trust and retaining ownership of the White Star Line, Red Star Line, Dominion Line, American Transport Line, and the Leyland Line. During the construction of the Titanic, the vessel was American owned as mentioned but Morgan kept the ships of his trust under the British registry with the British crew. He did this to escape accuses of violating the American Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 most so after the act had taken down J.D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company. It is worth noting that Most of the vessels flew both American and British flags with the White Star Line burgee (Levinson 1912 pg 36-9). In addition to this massive investment, Morgan also owned US Steel, General Electric and numerous banks and other financial institutions. JP Morgan and company continue to thrive today as JP Morgan Chase. Did the sinking of titanic affect the JP Morgan Corporation According to Merchants and masterpieces (1995), if JP Morgan’s company I MM was not actually down then we can say that it was seriously wounded after the Titanic fiasco. The war at the time caused a lot of havoc to the company and the company crumbled during the war years. Most of the businesspersons in America at that time expressed interest of discounting all the dreams of Morgan without expressing any signs that they might one day try and pick up the pieces to recapture the visions that Morgan had in the near future. JP Morgan and his partners like Harriman, Hill and Hanna collective dream of the transportation industry failed but the legacy they left behind still lives with us up to date. The name Morgan is still around with us today most so his great contribution in the banking industry though JP Morgan & Chase "J.P. Morgan, FDIC tangle over who will pay off WaMu liabilities."(2010) Their legacy in the transportation industry though a company like Citibank lives with us to date though the pieces of the transportation network they constructed fell aw ay gradually. The white star line continued to date although it is quite hard for it to recover completely from the destructions caused by the Titanic and the same destruction took place with the IMM (Morris 2005 pg 126). The IMM and the white star line suffered another major loss most so after the loss caused by the Titanic and the onset of the war. This loss had an impact on the massive commercial travels across the Atlantic routes in the year 1916. During this time, the Britannica had served as the hospital ship from the time it was launched in 1914, within the same period specifically in November 21st the ship got a hard hit on a mine and sank off the island